PAW Database : DOTME1.z80 Extracted by UNPAWS v2.1 General data ------------ Locations 85 Objects 27 Messages 255 System messages 135 Processes 14 Character sets 1 Default character set 1 Default ink color 6 Default paper color 0 Default flash state 0 Default bright state 0 Default inverse state 0 Default over state 0 Default border color 0 Database version 11 Database compressed Snapshot type Z80 128K Basic128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary ---------- * 1 RESERVED S 2 Noun IT 2 Pronoun TO 2 Preposition AND 2 Conjunction THEM 2 Pronoun THEN 2 Conjunction SOUTH 2 Noun E 3 Noun EAST 3 Noun FROM 3 Preposition W 4 Noun IN 4 Preposition WEST 4 Noun N 5 Noun OUT 5 Preposition NORTH 5 Noun NW 6 Noun SE 7 Noun OVER 7 Preposition SW 8 Noun UNDER 8 Preposition NE 9 Noun BY 9 Preposition D 10 Noun ON 10 Preposition OFF 10 Verb DOWN 10 Noun DESCE 10 Verb U 11 Noun UP 11 Noun ASCEN 11 Verb CLIMB 11 Noun AT 12 Preposition EXCEP 13 Preposition I 14 Noun INV 14 Noun INVEN 14 Noun NORMA 14 Preposition A 20 Noun G 20 Verb ALL 20 Noun LOT 20 Noun GET 20 Verb TAKE 20 Verb EVERY 20 Noun PUT 21 Verb DROP 21 Verb REMOV 22 Verb WEAR 23 Verb R 24 Verb L 24 Verb RE 24 Verb REDES 24 Verb Q 25 Verb QUIT 25 Verb SA 26 Verb SAVE 26 Verb LO 27 Verb LOAD 27 Verb RS 28 Verb RAMSA 28 Verb RL 29 Verb RAMLO 29 Verb X 30 Verb LOOK 30 Verb EXAM 30 Verb EXAMI 30 Verb SAY 31 Verb ASK 31 Verb TALK 31 Verb SPEAK 31 Verb READ 32 Verb Y 33 Verb YES 33 Verb YEM 33 Verb NO 34 Verb NEM 34 Verb CAST 35 Verb HELP 36 Verb HIT 37 Verb BEND 37 Verb MOLD 37 Verb SMASH 37 Verb BREAK 37 Verb DIG 38 Verb FILL 40 Verb DRINK 41 Verb EMPTY 42 Verb TIP 43 Verb POUR 43 Verb INSER 43 Verb GIVE 44 Verb PASS 44 Verb OFFER 44 Verb KILL 45 Verb MURDE 45 Verb OPEN 46 Verb UNLOC 46 Verb TIE 47 Verb FIX 47 Verb ATTAC 47 Verb UNTIE 48 Verb ROW 49 Verb MASK 50 Noun LOCK 50 Verb BOLT 50 Verb DEGUE 50 Noun CLOSE 50 Verb SLIDE 50 Verb STAFF 51 Noun ZULAR 51 Noun LEVER 51 Verb BALL 52 Noun LIFT 52 Verb PULL 52 Verb MOVE 52 Verb CRYST 52 Noun KRYST 52 Noun CREIS 52 Noun GO 53 Verb HIDE 53 Verb GLOVE 53 Noun ANTIL 53 Noun THROU 53 Verb ENTER 53 Verb BOOK 54 Noun SPELL 54 Noun ZUABE 54 Noun CREIP 54 Noun THROW 54 Verb ROBE 55 Noun MANT 55 Noun KICK 55 Verb EGG 56 Noun SIESS 56 Noun LISTE 56 Verb WOOD 57 Noun LOGS 57 Noun LARB 57 Noun BOX 58 Noun KASKE 58 Noun DAIS 59 Noun FOCU 59 Noun DIAS 59 Noun BED 60 Noun COT 60 Noun SCORE 60 Verb SHELF 61 Noun SHELV 61 Noun BOOKS 61 Noun FIRE 62 Noun INCEN 62 Noun BEGON 63 Noun SORET 63 Noun MIRE 64 Noun MIRRO 64 Noun GLOW 65 Noun RALUR 65 Noun SHIEL 66 Noun PROTA 66 Noun SNAP 67 Noun EKLIC 67 Noun DEATH 68 Noun NOMSI 68 Noun LIFE 69 Noun SIRE 69 Noun DELM 70 Noun DEMON 70 Noun MABRE 70 Noun KRAGA 70 Noun DEBRI 71 Noun REMAI 71 Noun TREE 72 Noun SILAR 72 Noun WOODC 73 Noun LARBA 73 Noun CLOTH 74 Noun PALOR 74 Noun BUSHE 75 Noun PAPER 76 Noun CREIE 76 Noun PIECE 76 Noun CHART 77 Noun REFRE 77 Noun SPADE 78 Noun FUTIE 78 Noun DESK 79 Noun TABLE 80 Noun LEAF 81 Noun FURMO 81 Noun BOTTL 82 Noun GOBLI 82 Noun ROPE 83 Noun TIELL 83 Noun ROOT 84 Noun DIRGT 84 Noun SWORD 85 Noun CORDO 85 Noun MONEY 86 Noun AMORG 86 Noun LAREG 87 Noun BOXES 88 Noun BARRE 88 Noun BAREL 88 Noun NOTIC 89 Noun BOARD 89 Noun WATER 90 Noun QUOZU 90 Noun GAP 92 Noun HOLE 92 Noun ICE 93 Noun NOMIN 93 Noun FORGE 94 Noun YIALD 94 Noun BODY 95 Noun MAN 96 Noun OLD 96 Noun PEN 98 Noun GATE 98 Noun CHONC 99 Noun OAR 100 Noun OARS 100 Noun BOAT 101 Noun LIFEB 101 Noun ANARZ 103 Noun DOOR 105 Noun DOORS 105 Noun DECOR 105 Noun BOULD 110 Noun BIBLE 111 Noun ROOF 112 Noun TILE 112 Noun TILES 112 Noun FURNI 113 Noun SLAB 115 Noun BLOCK 115 Noun ALTAR 115 Noun MARBL 115 Noun STONE 115 Noun WINDO 116 Noun SHEET 117 Noun BLANK 117 Noun METAL 118 Noun GRAPN 119 Noun CUPBO 120 Noun WARDR 120 Noun SPRIN 121 Noun TEST 254 Verb _ 255 RESERVED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGES -------- Message 0 St.22-6-92 Message 1 {16}{6} Pelere Alpi Message 2 {3}{16}{4} Criep't vit kom't ner^{7}{16}{4}{16}{3} GARETH PITCHFORD^{7}^{7} Message 3 {3}{17}{4}{16}{0}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144} Message 4 {16}{5}E deguerer del e Zuacre - {16}{6}It is a mask of a wizard. {16}{6}It is made of gold and the symbols engraved on it show my rank - {16}{5}Loi'san. Message 5 {16}{5}E zulare {16}{6}- It is made of {16}{5}lar'zu, {16}{6}a wood with magical properties. Crafted to the highest standards by the workmen of {16}{6}{16}{5}Malheim{16}{6} it has the ability to absorb and store magical spells. It has a small hole in its top. Message 6 {16}{5}E kryst'creis {16}{6}- A magic sphere of crystal that, when used by a {16}{5}loi'san, {16}{6}can see into the future. Message 7 {16}{5}El antils {16}{5}{16}{6}- A pair of ordinary gloves made of {16}{6}{16}{5}kilmi. Message 8 {16}{5}Las Zuabers'Creip't {16}{6}- The spell book is the resting place of magic. Message 9 {16}{5}Las mant del mabres {16}{6}- It is made of a material that I have never seen before. The cloth casts a ghostly, shimmering, evil light. Message 10 {16}{5}E si'essem {16}{6}- It is an egg of the bird {16}{6}{16}{6}{16}{5}Larmidi{16}{6} and possesses magical properties. Message 11 {16}{6}{16}{5}El larb {16}{6}- Ordinary wood. Message 12 {16}{7}{16}{5}Las Kaske delle vense {16}{6}- It is a box with magical properties. On its lid are engraved the symbols of the four {16}{5}vense. Message 13 {16}{5}INCEN - FIRE Message 14 {16}{5}SORETEZ - BEGONE Message 15 {16}{5}MIRE - MIRROR Message 16 {16}{5}RALUIRE - GLOW Message 17 {16}{5}PROTALER - SHIELD Message 18 {16}{5}EKLICE - SNAP Message 19 {16}{5}NOMSIRE - DEATH Message 20 {16}{5}SIRE - LIFE Message 21 {16}{5}No spells are stored in the staff. Message 22 {16}{6}The staff holds the spells:-^{7} Message 23 {16}{5}Las focu {16}{6}- The dais is positioned at the focal point of magic in this room.^{7} Message 24 On {16}{5}las focu {16}{6}is a crystal ball. Message 25 I find some gloves on the bed and I pick them up. Message 26 I select a spell book from the shelves and pick it up. Message 27 No! I dare not touch the crystal ball. Another contact, so soon after the last, could kill me! Message 28 I will have to drop the crystal ball first. Message 29 I chant the words of the book aloud and direct the spell into the staff. When I have finished the spell book decays into dust - Its magic has left it. Message 30 No. I will need the staff. Message 31 {16}{3}{19}{1}D'em ouber las kryst'creis! Message 32 {16}{3}{19}{1}Nem deai isie. Message 33 There is a {16}{5}Mabres-Delm {16}{6}here - A foul demon of the shadows!^{7} Message 34 The demon keeps its distance from me, recognising me for who I am. Message 35 I raise the staff high and shout, "{16}{5}SORETEZ DELM DEL LAS FET! Begone you foul demon!"^{7}^{7}{16}{6}The demon screams in agony and disappears. All that is left of it is its robe.^{7} Message 36 I think it would be best if I saved that spell for later. Message 37 A find an egg among the debris. A bird must have used the debris for a place to hide its nest. Message 38 There is a {16}{5}larb'aidamer {16}{6}here, a woodcutter, chopping away at some logs.^{7} Message 39 {16}{6}The woodcutter sees me and shouts, {3}{16}{5}"Arrgh! A fere-zuacre! Arrgh!{16}{6}".^{7}He runs off into the forest. Looking down I realise that the robe must have made me appear to be some sort of evil spirit, especially in this poor forest light. So as not to cause grief to any other soul I may meet in this forest, I remove the robe and discard it. Message 40 I smash the egg. The magic of creation is released from it and from this I extract the {16}{5}SIRE {16}{6}spell. Message 41 Not here. Message 42 I raise my hands and cast the spell. A bolt of heat shoots from the heavens and ignites the logs, making a burning bonfire visable for many miles out to sea. Message 43 There is a magically burning bonfire here.^{7} Message 44 I'd better drop the wood first. Message 45 Not yet! Message 46 The great tree of the forest is here. It is old and decaying, barely alive.^{7} Message 47 The great tree of the forest is here. It has new green growths all over it and it seems to grow further each second.^{7} Message 48 I cast the spell at the old tree. Message 49 The fire, however, just seems to bounce off it and I find myself being scorched by the intense heat. But it does not stop there. Roots explode from underground and grab at my ankles, pulling me under. I can no longer breathe. It will not be long before I am dead.^{7}^{7}^{7} Message 50 The tree springs back to life. Suddenly a beautiful woman appears. {16}{5}"I am the spirit of the forest", {16}{6}she says, {16}{5}"I thank you for your kindness, friend. We know of your quest and we wish you luck".^{7}{16}{6}She hands me a box. {16}{5}"You will need this.". {16}{6}Then, as quickly as she appeared, she vanishes.{16}{5}{16}{6} Message 51 I have no desire to lower my status! Message 52 I step onto the bridge. It creaks noisely and I am afraid. For one moment I consider turning back, but I know that I must tell my superiors of my discovery.^{7} Message 53 I stride forward and the creaking intensifys. Wind causes the bridge to rock from side to side and I almost lose my footing. Then with a loud tearing sound the rope bridge collapses!....^{7} Message 54 I panic and dive headlong for the northern side. I manage just to grab hold of the bank and I pull myself up.^{7} Message 55 For several moments I lie on the grass and then, when my breathing has returned to normal, I get up.^{7} Message 56 I touch the bark of the tree. It tingles with magic! Message 57 The woodcutter does not see me as he is busy chopping some logs. Message 58 I will not disturb him. Message 59 {16}{5}Mys's palorns - {5}{16}{6}I am wearing a {16}{6}{16}{5}Zuamante. {16}{6}A type of habit garment with special deep bag-like pockets in which I place the various objects I 'carry', in order to leave my hands free. Message 60 Fool! I can not go around with nothing on! Message 61 In amongst the bushes is a spade, which I pick up. Message 62 On the table I find, and pick up, a piece of paper. Message 63 On the desk is a small chart. I pick it up to study it further. Message 64 {16}{5}Las crei'er - {16}{6}Simply a piece of paper. Message 65 On it is the word {16}{6}{16}{5}LAREGEL. Message 66 {16}{5}Lase refret - {16}{6}It is a chart showing various different plants and their uses in magic. Message 67 {16}{5}Las futier - {16}{6}It is an old spade. Message 68 {16}{5}Las furmoske't - {16}{6}A leaf from the {16}{5}laskalz {16}{6}plant. Message 69 {16}{5}Las goblinete - {16}{6}It is just a normal bottle with a wide neck. The bottle is empty. Message 70 {16}{5}Las goblinete - {16}{6}It is full of {16}{6}{16}{5}quo'zul. Message 71 {16}{5}Las goblinete - {16}{6}It contains the {4}{16}{5}NOMINCE {16}{6}spell. Message 72 {16}{5}Las tielle - {16}{5}{16}{6}Quite a long rope. Message 73 {16}{5}Lase dirg't - {16}{6}A potatolike vegetable, about a quarter of an {16}{6}{16}{5}oigne {16}{5}{16}{6}in size, with magical properties. Message 74 {16}{6}{16}{5}Las goblinete - {16}{6}It contains the {4}{16}{5}EKLICE {16}{6}spell. Message 75 {4}{16}{5}Lase cordo'cen - {16}{6}A wonderful piece of workmanship. Its blade glows with a magical sheen. Message 76 {16}{5}Las amorge (al'alphi Koale vit epil Echals) - {16}{6}There are 11 {16}{5}Koales {16}{6}and 5 {16}{6}{16}{5}echals {16}{6}in total. Message 77 The hut door is closed and locked, but then that is what I expected. It is near nightfall after all. Message 78 I am stopped from entering by a young apprentice. He sees my clothes but is still suspicious.^{7}{16}{5}"Quon es las wore-tep?"{16}{6}, he asks. Message 79 I have got all the assistance that I will get from {16}{5}Las Zua'creis. Message 80 I say the password to the apprentice and he lets me in...^{7} Message 81 I rush to the {16}{5}Lomaralli {16}{6}to tell him of what I have seen. He sees the panic in my eyes and says,^{7}{16}{5}"Calm yourself, My Son"{16}{6}.^{7}All of a sudden I feel relaxed and at peace with myself.^{7}{4}{16}{5}"That's better", {16}{6}He says, {16}{6}{16}{5}"Now tell me why you have come in such fear".^{7}{16}{5} Message 82 He listens gravely to my account. His face betrays no emotion. At the end of my tale he is silent for a long while. I am unable to keep calm much longer,^{7}{16}{5}"Well? What does it mean?"{16}{6}, I ask him.^{7}The {16}{5}Lomaralli {5}{16}{6}sits back and says, {16}{5}"I will tell you a tale to explain.". {16}{6}He continues....^{7} Message 83 {16}{5}"Many, many years ago, when we still inhabited the island of Malheim, a young Zuacre called Analton discovered a new spell.^{7} Message 84 {16}{5}This in itself was not unusual, for at that time the art of magic was young and new things were being found all the time. No, it was the very nature of this spell that was strange.^{7} Message 85 {16}{5}Unlike all other spells this one could be used more than once - And Analton could not see what fuelled it.^{7} Message 86 {16}{5}Also unusual were the properties of this spell. All the other spells had physical effects, but this new spell was different. The spell influenced the mind - it introduced suggestions or ideas into the brain of those it was cast on.^{7} Message 87 {16}{5}Analton kept the knowledge of the spell to himself as he knew that the elders would disapprove of it. He tried it out secretly on animals and birds, and experimented with its properties. Even with his many tests, though, he failed to find out how it managed to retain its power.^{7} Message 88 {16}{5}Eventually, having seen no ill effects when it was used on animals, Analton started using it on his fellow humans. Not for personal gain, but in an attempt to help others.^{7} Message 89 {16}{5}Feuding families would often suddenly stop their fighting and allow a marriage from one of their children to a member of the opposite clan. Old miserly rich men would engage in sudden acts of kindness. There were many other cases when the spell was used. Message 90 {16}{5}Analton noticed nothing unusual about the effect of the spell on humans, but he did not realise that this was due to the amount of exposure to the spell required to do the aforementioned tasks. In each of the cases only a short period of suggestion was needed until the situations resolved themselves.^{7} Message 91 {16}{5}It was ironic that the first people that showed Analton what the true source of the power of the spell was were his parents.^{7} Message 92 {16}{5}Analton saw his parents steadily getting older year after year, and how this effected their love of each other. He used the spell to make them appear young in each others eyes.^{7} Message 93 {16}{5}It worked for about three months. But one morning Analton was horrified to find them motionless on their bed in their huts(man and wife do not sleep together once they have concieved their second child). They were not dead - they were still breathing, and yet no matter how hard he tried Analton could not wake them.^{7}^{7} Message 94 {16}{5}He rushed them to the Lomaralli of the village in the hope that he could save them. But nothing could be done. The Lomaralli informed Analton that their minds were empty. They were merely zombies of their former self.^{7} Message 95 {16}{5}Analton could not believe it. He realised that he had killed his parents by using the spell on them. The spell took its power from the mind, and each day the spirits of his parents got weaker and weaker until they ceased to exist.^{7} Message 96 {16}{5}In a fit of rage and remorse Analton destroyed all his notes on the spell. Pausing only to write a brief letter of explanation to the Lomaralli, he left the village forever and was never seen again.^{7} Message 97 {16}{5}The letter he sent warned the Lomaralli against the spell. The spell he had called {16}{5}{16}{6}DECEPTION OF THE MIND'S EYE{16}{6}{16}{6}{16}{5}. The letter told of its fearful properties and warned the Lomaralli that if it should be re-discovered no Zuacre should use it."^{7} Message 98 {16}{6}The Lomaralli paused for a moment then continued,^{7}{16}{5}"This all, as I said, happened many many years ago. Until recently we believed that there was no danger. The spell had never been re-discovered, and we doubted that a zuacre of Analton's talent would ever again grace the land of Mire'fut.^{7} Message 99 {16}{5}But during the past few years we have become uneasy. One of our pupils, A zuacre called Malakan, had learned of this tale and showed a remarkable interest in it. He has not been seen for several years, apparantly he has left Valhedia and has returned to the abandoned island of Malheim.^{7} Message 100 {16}{5}We were unsure of his motives. But now, with your new information, I believe that he is looking for the way to make {16}{5}{16}{6}DECEPTION{16}{6}{16}{5}. Maybe he has already discovered it. If so, We must find some way of stopping him from using it for the means he intends, before it is too late.^{7} Message 101 {16}{5}I will contact my superiors, but by the time we can do anything it may be too late. There is only one thing for it, my Son. You must attempt to stop Malakan yourself.".^{7} Message 102 {16}{5}"But how?",{16}{6} I ask.^{7}The Lomaralli replies {16}{5}"It is only a rumour, but legend has it that when Analton left Malheim he journeyed to the island of Zalakar and became a hermit in the caves of Salirette."^{7}{16}{6}He sees my startled expression and says, {16}{6}{16}{6}{16}{5}"Yes, My boy, they do exist. They are not just old wives tales you know."^{7} Message 103 {16}{5}"What you must do is journey to Zalakar and find Analton. For if he indeed lives in the caves then he will still be alive, even after all these years. Analton is our only hope, Only he is a powerful enough zuacre to stop Malakan".^{7} Message 104 {16}{5}But beware, my son. For the caves of Saleritte are not the only legend that originates from the island of Zalakar. The wizard Lamazan also is reputed to live on the island. He left our fold many years ago - he was thrown out in fact, due to his evil ways, so do not expect him to just allow you passage on his island.".^{7} Message 105 {16}{6}The Lomaralli says, {16}{5}"Go now. The apprentices will show you to a free room. You will need rest before you start out tomorow."^{7}{16}{6}I do as he says. The room I am shown to has a comfy bed but, not surprisingly, I get little sleep that night.^{7} Message 106 {16}{6}In the morning the Lomaralli greets me,^{7}{16}{5}"I have arranged for you to have passage on the ship DIGNEEY, which arrives in the harbour this morning. They will take you as near to the island as possible, but will not dare to stray into its waters. I wish you good luck in your quest. You will need these.".^{7}{16}{6}He places two spells in my staff. I thank him and then I leave the hut and walk out into the morning sun. I am determined to succeed in my quest, for if I do not the future looks bleak for the inhabitants of Mire'fut.^{7} Message 107 The board says that the ship DIGNEEY is due in tomorrow. Message 108 The DIGNEEY's name is not on the list of ships due in! ^{7}I grab hold of a passing traveller and ask him if he knows what has happened to her. He tells me that she ran aground last night on the rocks!^{7}How am I to get to Zalakar now?! Message 109 Among the barrels and boxes I find, and pick up, a rope. Message 110 The DIGNEEY is anchored out in the harbour. A small boat, to the east, will take me to her.^{7} Message 111 I don't think I will find much in the ground here. Message 112 In the ground I discover an old bottle, which I clean off and place in my robe. Message 113 I have no tool for digging! Message 114 The bottle has something in it already! Message 115 I fill the bottle with water from the spring. Message 116 The water is not suitable for my needs. Message 117 I am not thirsty. Message 118 Water which contains dissolved spells does not taste very nice. Message 119 I can not see how that will help me at this particular moment in time. Message 120 I take a look at the chart and compare the pictures on it to the bushes around me. I spot the plant called {16}{6}{16}{5}laskalz{16}{6} and I pick a leaf from it. Message 121 I find no more plants of any use. Message 122 I have no container for that purpose! Message 123 To make the spell correctly the object must be added to the water, not the other way around. Message 124 I put the leaf into the bottle of quo'zul and it dissolves. Message 125 Why? I have just spent time filling it. Message 126 The hole runs right down through the centre of the staff. Message 127 I pour the spell into the hole and it gets absorbed into the staff. Message 128 {16}{5}NOMICE - ICE Message 129 I can't just walk across the river! Message 130 The river is frozen over.^{7} Message 131 I raise my hands high and cast the {16}{6}{16}{5}NOMINCE {16}{6}spell. The air around me goes deathly cold. Suddenly the gushing noise of the river ceases.... It has frozen over! Message 132 {16}{5}Las Yialdor {16}{6}is here, standing besides his forge. Message 133 The dead body of {16}{5}las Yialdor{16}{6} is here. Message 134 Besides the forge is a sword. Message 135 {16}{5}Las Yialdor {16}{6}says, "{16}{6}{16}{5}Ma deze ou's deai, bet Zuacre.". {16}{6}He tells me that he is unable to deliver the sword because his boat needs repairing, and without it he can't get across the river to where the man who has ordered the sword lives. He hands me the sword and asks me if I will deliver it. I say that I will.^{7}{16}{6}{16}{5}"Kaelor'ou!", {16}{6}he says. Message 136 I raise my hands high and cast the spell of {16}{5}NOMSIRE. {16}{6}With a cry the {16}{5}Yialdor {16}{6}clutches at his neck. His face rapidly goes an intense purple colour! Within seconds the {16}{6}{16}{5}Yialdor {16}{6}falls to the ground... dead. And I was the one who killed him!! Message 137 I killed him! And for what reason? Message 138 An old man is here. Message 139 The dead body of the old man is here. Message 140 I give the sword to the old man. He thanks me and hands me some money - payment for {16}{5}las Yialdor. Message 141 I cast the spell of {16}{5}NOMSIRE. {16}{6}Instantly the old man falls to the floor, clutching at his throat in agony. His screams echo around the cramped confines of the hut. Then there is nothing but silence. Message 142 On the body I find some money. Message 143 The old man asks me what I want. Message 144 {16}{7}{16}{5}Las Yialdor {16}{6}says, {16}{6}{16}{5}"Sirebet, Zuacre.". Message 145 The old man says, {16}{5}"Sirebet, Zuacre.". Message 146 I bring the great blade crashing down onto the head of {16}{5}las Yialdor. {16}{6}With an ear splitting cry, he collapses onto the floor... dead. Message 147 I slash at the old man with the sword, and its blade cuts deep into his chest. He staggers to the floor, and within seconds he is dead. Message 148 I give the money to {16}{5}las Yialdor {16}{6}and he thanks me and gives me a spell. Message 149 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}is in the pen. Message 150 I open the pen and the {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}escapes! Message 151 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}is a foraging pig-like animal. Message 152 I tie the rope to the {16}{5}chonchu. Message 153 As the rope is tied to the {16}{5}chonchu{16}{6} I drop the rope before I leave! Message 154 The {4}{16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}is here. Message 155 I open the gate and the {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}tries to escape. Unfortunately it had not accounted for the rope, and after several minutes of trying to pull itself free it finally quietens down. Message 156 No. I am on the right track. Message 157 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}smells something edible and rushes off, pulling me after it, to the east! Message 158 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}digs up a root and eats it. It pulls on the rope, and as it catches me off balance, I accidently let go and it runs off into the wood. Message 159 A small trampled path leads to the east. Message 160 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}lies dead on the ground here. Message 161 I raise my hands and cast the {16}{5}NOMSIRE {16}{6}spell. With a sickening cry, the {16}{6}{16}{6}{16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}collapses and dies... Message 162 I slash at the {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}with the sword and it falls to the ground. As it dies its eyes seem to stare deep into my own... It unerves me deeply. Message 163 The {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}senses my intentions and bolts away from me! Message 164 I dig in the ground, nearby to where the {16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}did, and find a {16}{5}dirg't. Message 165 I put the root into the bottle and it dissolves in the {16}{5}quo'zul. Message 166 I clamber into the small boat and it takes me out to the waiting ship.^{7} Message 167 The captain welcomes me aboard, and shows me to my room. His friendliness, I fear, is only to hide his reluctance to stray into the waters near Zalakar. I will need to proceed carefully, I think.^{7} Message 168 We set sail, leave the sheltered bay and head out into the open waters of Mire'fut. All goes well for the first few days and then...^{7} Message 169 I am awoken by the sounds of hammering at the door of my room. I leave my bed and dress quickly. Opening the door I see that several of the members of the crew are outside.^{7} Message 170 They roughly grab me, ignoring my protests, and take me out onto the deck... Message 171 The captain speaks, {16}{5}"Look what evil you've brought upon us, Zuacre". {16}{6}He points to the sails, which hang limply down off the masts, {16}{5}"There is no blasted wind!".^{7} Message 172 I tell the captain that it is not of my doing.^{7}{16}{5}"Don't give me that!", {16}{6}he snarls, {16}{5}"Ever since you came aboard we have been cursed! First the outbreak of {16}{5}{16}{6}elafer. {16}{5}Then the storms, and now this!"^{7}{16}{6} Message 173 {16}{5}"Well there's only one way to stop it!", {16}{6}he says, {16}{5}"You're getting of my ship, Zuacre.".^{7}{16}{5} Message 174 I shout, {16}{5}"Wait! Give me a chance!".^{7} Message 175 The captain says, {16}{5}"Very well. Show us what you can do, Zuacre.".^{7} Message 176 I open the box and the winds escape. The sails fill and the ship starts moving again...^{7} Message 177 {16}{6}The captain remains unconvinced, {16}{5}"You have my thanks, Zuacre. but I still don't trust you. However, I will allow you to live - We will drop you off at the nearest port.". {16}{6}He gestures to his men and tells them to take me below for the rest of the journey. {16}{5}"And put a guard outside his door.", {16}{6}he says, {16}{5}"And take all his fancy objects from him.".^{7} Message 178 I cast the spell of {16}{5}NOMSIRE {16}{6}and the captain falls dead on the ground. His horrified crew circle me, with knives drawn. I am no match against this many...^{7} Message 179 I have failed to do anything to ease the situation, and the captain shouts to his crew, {16}{5}"Over the side with him lads!". {16}{6}They pick me up and heave me into the deep dark waters...^{7} Message 180 I can not swim, and so I do not survive long. Message 181 I open the box and suddenly winds blast from within it. Dust and dirt flies everywhere, and I struggle to keep myself from flying away! Eventually, the winds die away and I notice that the box has crumbled to dust, its magic used up. Message 182 {16}{5}Lase reast - {16}{6}They are just oars! Message 183 I row for many hours until I eventually reach the shore of the island. I drop the oars and climb out of the boat... Message 184 In have no need of it at the moment. Message 185 I will need to pick the oars up! Message 186 I have touched the crystal ball and I feel myself being drawn into it....^{7} Message 187 I see darkness.. there seems no end to it. It is like infinity itself. Then an image forms, an image of a man dressed in wizards robes. He utters one word and vanishes.^{7} Message 188 The vision ceases and I return back to the real world, with the word {16}{5}ANARZAL {16}{6}firmly in my memory. Message 189 The guards attack... I fight valiantly, but there are just too many!^{7} Message 190 I cast the spell of {16}{5}PROTALER{16}{6} just in time! Arrows bounce off the magical shield and, for a moment, the soldiers are confused. I must move quickly! Message 191 The door has a bolt on it. Message 192 I close and bolt the door. From outside I can hear the soldiers attempting to break it down. I don't have much time! Message 193 The guards break through the door! Message 194 The guards enter and surround me...^{7} Message 195 The wizard {16}{5}Lamazan {16}{6}is here! Message 196 Lamazan casts the fire spell, and I am burnt to death... Message 197 Lamazan casts the shield spell, and my spell just rebounds off! Message 198 I cast the spell of {16}{5}EKLICE, {16}{6}and with a loud crack Lamazan's staff breaks in two! Message 199 I cast the spell of {16}{5}NOMSIRE{16}{6} and Lamazan falls, choking, to the floor. Message 200 The dead body of the wizard is here. Message 201 I remove Lamazan's robes and hide his body behind some furniture. I quickly put on his robes and his mask.^{7} Message 202 I was just in time! The guards enter...^{7} Message 203 I tell them that I have 'disposed of the infiltrator' and to leave. They do so. Message 204 ^{7}The guards enter! They see the dead body of the wizard!^{7} Message 205 No. The guards are that way! Message 206 I remove the wizards robes, and dispose of them. Message 207 The guards will find me in there! Message 208 I cast the spell of {16}{5}NOMSIRE, {16}{6}and several guards fall to the ground dead. But more take their place!^{7} Message 209 The mirror has been smashed. Message 210 I bring my staff crashing down onto the face of the mirror. It shatters, causing shards of glass to fly across the room.^{7} Message 211 I hastily extract the {16}{5}MIRE {16}{6}spell from the glass, and it dissapears... Message 212 It is a strange, magicical mirror. Looking in it I see my own image, but also something else that I can't quite make out. Message 213 As I utter the word there is a loud creaking noise. Suddenly a portion of the eastern wall swings open to reveal a secret passage! Message 214 A secret passage leads to the east. Message 215 It has no effect. Message 216 There is a large {16}{5}kragarath{16}{6} here, a demon of the night. Message 217 The kragarath pounces on me and its claws dig deep into my flesh and rip out my insides.^{7} Message 218 I cast the {16}{5}MIRE {16}{6}spell...^{7} Message 219 A huge magical mirror forms in front of me.^{7} Message 220 The Kragarath sees itself in the mirror, and screams in fright. It rushes past me and out of the passage! Message 221 the boulder has been moved to one side, and there is a passage visable to the west. Message 222 I lever the boulder with the staff. The boulder moves but, to my horror, the staff breaks!^{7} Message 223 The staff is now useless! I discard it.^{7} Message 224 I cast the spell of {16}{5}RALUIRE{16}{6} and my crystal ball starts glowing. Message 225 It is too dark to go in without a light source! Message 226 The crystal ball is glowing. Message 227 Message 228 I turn to the first chapter of the bible, and read...^{7} Message 229 {16}{5}In the beginning, long before Mire'fut existed, there was Void.^{7}For many years, far greater than we can comprehend, Void existed. Then, from the Centre, came Faltar and Damar. Why they appeared and how they existed is not known. Not even to them. For a brief time they were one. Whole, and at peace.^{7} Message 230 {16}{5}Then came the Shattering. The Shattering split Faltar and Damar. Instead of one they became two. They were like mirror images of each other, but opposites in mind.^{7} Message 231 {16}{5}The Shattering changed the Void.It filled portions of it with earth, air, fire and water.^{7} Message 232 {16}{5}Damar saw these and he took them (The earth, fire, air and water) and blended them into one. He looked upon his work and he smiled, for he liked what he saw.^{7} Message 233 {4}{16}{5}Faltar, however, regarded Damars creation with contempt. He laughed at Damar for messing with such trifling substances when there was so much else of interest to see in the Void.^{7} Message 234 {16}{5}But Damar did not listen and, while Faltar explored his new surroundings, he took the Blending and crafted it further. He spread his magical seeds upon it and watched them grow. His seeds of life, love, happiness and hope flourished and grew upon the Blending. The pods of light, courage and beauty spread all over his creation.^{7}Damar looked apon the Blending and was pleased with what he saw.^{7} Message 235 {16}{5}Then Faltar returned with tales of the excitement and exploration to be had in the expanses of the Void. But, being busy with his creation, Damar ignored him.^{7} Message 236 {16}{5}Filled with rage, Faltar cast his own seeds upon the Blending. For each of Damar's pods Faltar threw down his own. Seeds of death, hate, misery and despair tarnished the Blending. The others, pods of darkness, fear and ugliness, thrived on their new home.^{7} Message 237 {16}{5}Damar was horrified at Faltars act of spite and fled, leaving the Void, to whence he came. Faltar was left behind in the Void, for the Centre had closed.^{7} Message 238 {16}{5}Filled with remorse Faltar attempted to remove his seeds from the Blending, but they were rooted in too firmly. Instead he attempted his own creations, but he had not the power of Damar and only succeeded in producing barren rocks.^{7} Message 239 {16}{5}Eventually Faltar faded away, for he could not survive without Damar, his other half, and the Void was empty again.^{7} Message 240 {16}{5}Empty, apart from the Creations. And from the Blending came Mire'fut...^{7} Message 241 I finish the chapter and scan through the other pages. They all seem to be in the same sort of vein, but the last page of the bible interests me.^{7} Message 242 On the last page are the words of a spell. As I read them aloud the bible vanishes, and I find that there is a new spell in my staff. Message 243 {16}{5}Las di'creip'm - {16}{6}It is bound in a wonderfully coloured animal skin which shines with a magical glow. Message 244 The tiles appear to be loose. Message 245 I lift some of the tiles aside making a small hole in the roof...^{7} Message 246 There is a gap in the roof that I may climb through to reach the inside of the building.^{7} Message 247 The door appears to be un-openable. It is made of heavy wood and its hinges are rusted solid. Message 248 Amoungst the furniture is a sturdy table. Message 249 The table is in the middle of the room.^{7} Message 250 The table is positioned over in the corner of the room. Message 251 I move the table into the middle of the room, underneath the hole. Message 252 I can't climb up through the hole because it's too high up! Message 253 Why? Message 254 I am standing on the table. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM MESSAGES --------------- System Message 0 It's too dark to see anything. System Message 1 {16}{5}Ma ai ima:{16}{7} System Message 2 ^{7}{19}{1}{16}{5}Quon imea?^{7} System Message 3 ^{7}{19}{1}{5}{16}{5}Quon apret?^{7} System Message 4 ^{7}{19}{0}{19}{1}{16}{5}Ma deze ou's deai!^{7} System Message 5 ^{7}{19}{1}{16}{5}D'ou perem e dee?^{7} System Message 6 Ma pri ou's ecuse? I could not understand that!^{7} System Message 7 I can't go in that direction.^{7} System Message 8 I can't do that.^{7} System Message 9 Ma perem vez mys: System Message 10 (worn) System Message 11 nothing at all.^{7} System Message 12 ^{7}Are you sure?^{7} System Message 13 ^{7}Would you like another go?^{7} System Message 14 {16}{3}{19}{1}Sal las di essem ou's zuabers..^{7}^{7} System Message 15 OK.^{7} System Message 16 ^{7} {19}{1}{16}{4}{145}{16}{4}{16}{6}{146}{146}{146}{147}^{7}^{7} System Message 17 You have taken System Message 18 turn System Message 19 s System Message 20 .^{7} System Message 21 You have scored System Message 22 %^{7} System Message 23 I'm not wearing one of those.^{7} System Message 24 I can't. I'm wearing the _.^{7} System Message 25 I already have the _.^{7} System Message 26 There isn't one of those here.^{7} System Message 27 I can't carry any more things.^{7} System Message 28 I don't have one of those.^{7} System Message 29 I'm already wearing the _.^{7} System Message 30 Y System Message 31 N System Message 32 ^{7}More... System Message 33 {19}{1}{16}{4}{145}{16}{7}{146}{146}{146} System Message 34 {16}{6}{19}{1}{16}{7}{147} System Message 35 ^{7}Time passes...^{7} System Message 36 I now have the _.^{7} System Message 37 I'm now wearing the _.^{7} System Message 38 I've removed the _.^{7} System Message 39 I've dropped the _.^{7} System Message 40 I can't wear the _.^{7} System Message 41 I can't remove the _.^{7} System Message 42 I can't remove the _. My hands are full.^{7} System Message 43 The _ weighs too much for me.^{7} System Message 44 The _ is in the System Message 45 The _ isn't in the System Message 46 , System Message 47 and System Message 48 .^{7} System Message 49 I don't have the _.^{7} System Message 50 I'm not wearing the _.^{7} System Message 51 .^{7} System Message 52 There isn't one of those in the System Message 53 nothing.^{7} System Message 54 Type in name of file:^{7} System Message 55 "DECEPTION OF THE MIND's EYE!"^{7} System Message 56 The words fill me with fear, though I know not why. Images dance beyond the field of ordinary vision, but they are, oh, so clear to me.^{7} System Message 57 Faster. They are forming faster this time. I see visions of a rocky pinnacle, a bearded man whose mask shines like the fire of 'la incen'creis' itself... I see visions of a future I do not want to know.^{7} System Message 58 And there is that sense of emptiness again.... An emptiness that is all consuming. That reaches into the very minds of men and leaves... nothing.^{7} System Message 59 The visions cascade onwards, their violent images tinged with dread. Again the words are shouted out. A streak of lightning crashes across the sky, and then... and then.....^{7} System Message 60 It is too much! I break contact. My hands feel scorched from where they have touched the kryst'creis, the crystal ball, though in reality I know that it is my mind that has suffered the most damage.^{7} System Message 61 Still, I have gained more knowledge about the threat. Yet it is not enough. I must find out more. But I am weak from the contact... Maybe? ^{7} System Message 62 Yes. I am decided about it now. I must not keep my knowledge secret any longer. I will go and inform my superiors at 'las Zuacreis', maybe they will understand the meanings of the images.^{7} System Message 63 But I must hurry! There is so little time left...^{7} System Message 64 ^{7}I've already done that, Fieresi!^{7} System Message 65 I discover nothing further.^{7} System Message 66 ^{7}{19}{1}{16}{5}Introduction?^{7} System Message 67 {16}{3}{19}{1}POSITION SAVED TO RAM {145}{16}{7}{146}{146}{146}{146}{147}^{7}^{7} System Message 68 {19}{1}{16}{4}LOADING POSITION FROM RAM {145}{16}{7}{146}{146}{146}{146}{147}^{7}^{7} System Message 69 System Message 70 System Message 71 I climb onto the table.^{7} System Message 72 I climb off the table.^{7} System Message 73 On the marble block I find a small book. Looking closer at it, I find that it is a book of religious prayers and stories... a bible.^{7} System Message 74 I can't! System Message 75 ^{7}{16}{0}{5}{17}{4}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}^{7} System Message 76 {16}{6}{17}{0} System Message 77 The demon is the colour of putrid slime and its breath is vile. Its three clawed hands slash at me and I dodge wildy out of the way. Every so often it gives out a blood curdling scream.^{7} System Message 78 I haven't got a suitable object to use the spell on.^{7} System Message 79 I haven't got that spell stored in my staff!^{7} System Message 80 That object will be of no further use to me.^{7} System Message 81 "{5}DECEPTION OF THE MIND'S EYE!"^{7}^{7}The last chant lingers in the air and the bearded wizard raises his staff. From the heavens a bolt of magic strikes the staff.^{7}^{7}The staff is held high and the words are uttered. The words of the spell of 'DOTME'.^{7}^{7}A darkness smothers the land and the souls of the people are rippped from their bodies.^{7}^{7}Mire'fut is doomed.^{7} System Message 82 I open the window.^{7} System Message 83 It would not be a good idea to leave that way just yet, because there is a sheer drop straight down to the sea.^{7} System Message 84 In the cot I find, and remove, some thin sheets.^{7} System Message 85 The doors of the cupboard are both sturdy and highly decorated. They are also locked and despite a great deal of pushing and pulling you are unable to gain entry.^{7} System Message 86 I have not got the staff!^{7} System Message 87 {16}{5}Lase dormants - {16}{5}{5}{16}{6}Just some ordinary sheets. System Message 88 The sheets are tied together. System Message 89 I tie the sheets together.^{7} System Message 90 The decoration on the doors is made from strips of metal, some of which appears to be loose.^{7} System Message 91 I pull at the decoration on the cupboard door and some of it comes free.^{7} System Message 92 I've got enough metal for my purposes.^{7} System Message 93 {16}{5}Las cordo - {16}{6}It is a strip of metal which has been cut into the shape of a three leafed plant.^{7} System Message 94 I attempt to bend the metal, and after a long while and a lot of hammering against the furniture I succeed in bending the leaves over so that the metal forms a grapnel.^{7} System Message 95 {16}{5}Las filem - {16}{6}A makeshift grapnel.^{7} System Message 96 I tie the sheets to the grapnel. System Message 97 Also a grapnel is tied to one end.^{7} System Message 98 The metal is the wrong shape to be of any use.^{7} System Message 99 To what?^{7} System Message 100 The window is open.^{7} System Message 101 The window is closed.^{7} System Message 102 The sheets had best be tied together first.^{7} System Message 103 I throw the sheets out of the window and up towards the deck, but they fall down immediatly as they do not catch on anything.^{7} System Message 104 I throw the sheets upwards towards the deck and the grapnel catches on a rail. I let the makeshift rope dangle out of the window. System Message 105 I see no real need to do that.^{7} System Message 106 I climb out of the window and grab hold of the rope...^{7} System Message 107 I climb in the window...^{7} System Message 108 I'd need my hands free to do that, and at the moment I'm holding on to the sheets!^{7} System Message 109 The rope sways from side to side and creaks omniously...^{7} System Message 110 With a loud tearing noise the sheets come apart and I find myself plunging downwards into the sea...^{7} System Message 111 I become just another casualty of the icey depths.^{7} System Message 112 As I climb upwards over the side I knock the grapple and it comes loose, falling into the sea and taking the rope with it.^{7} System Message 113 I kick at the window and it smashes!^{7} System Message 114 The window has been smashed, allowing access to the cabin to the west.^{7} System Message 115 I can't go that way! The window is closed and firmly locked.^{7} System Message 116 The window is closed and locked.^{7} System Message 117 The voices are coming from the west.^{7} System Message 118 I go to the west and run straight into some of the crew. They exchange startled glances. I try to take advantage of this confusion but I am too slow. Hands grab at me and stop me from moving.^{7} System Message 119 I am taken before the Captain. With a smile he says, {4}{16}{5}"Well, you were warned, Zuacre. You know what to do with him, lads.".^{7} System Message 120 I am taken onto the main deck and thrown into the sea...^{7} System Message 121 The boat has a cover over it. It would be the perfect place to hide until night.^{7} System Message 122 ^{7}From inside the tunnel, that is now visable, a small creature (obviously a baby) creeps out into the light.^{7} System Message 123 ^{7}As it does so it undergoes an amazing change. It grows larger, to adult size, and ages rapidly. Within mere seconds it is old and wizened. A few seconds more and it collapses on the floor. In the blink of an eye its skeletal remains appear and then crumble into dust.^{7} System Message 124 {20}{1}{16}{4}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}^{7}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{20}{0} System Message 125 {16}{5}FIRE{3}{16}{4}**{16}{6}*{16}{5}INCEN System Message 126 {16}{5}BEGONE{16}{6}*{16}{5}SORETEZ System Message 127 {16}{5}MIRROR{16}{6}*{16}{5}MIRE System Message 128 {16}{5}GLOW{16}{4}**{16}{6}*{16}{5}RALUIRE System Message 129 {16}{5}SHIELD{16}{6}*{16}{5}PROTALER System Message 130 {16}{5}SNAP{3}{16}{4}**{16}{6}*{16}{5}EKLICE System Message 131 {16}{5}DEATH{3}{5}{16}{4}*{16}{6}*{16}{5}NOMSIRE System Message 132 {16}{5}LIFE{16}{4}**{16}{6}*{16}{5}SIRE System Message 133 {16}{5}ICE{16}{4}***{16}{6}*{16}{5}NOMINCE System Message 134 {3}{16}{4}*******{5}{16}{6}*{16}{4}********* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATIONS --------- Location 0 ^{7}^{7}^{7} {16}{5}{20}{1}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{20}{0}^{7} {16}{6}DECEPTION OF THE MIND'S EYE!^{7} {16}{6}{16}{5} {20}{1}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{144}{20}{0}^{7}^{7} Location 1 ^{7}{3}{4}{16}{5}Al mys's pertud'loapatz^{7}{16}{6}I am in inside my humble abode. Although this room is my living room there is little here, only a few chairs and a small desk, as I have no need of external comforts.^{7}Exits lie to the north, east and south.{20}{0}^{7} Location 2 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las Zuaber'pazt^{7}{16}{6}I am in my room of meditation and study. Books of spells line the shelves here, but it is a central dais that takes the pride of place. To the south a door leads into my living room.^{7} Location 3 ^{7}{16}{5}Al lase dorel'patz^{7}{16}{6}I am in the small room that contains my bed and a small table. There is nothing else worth mentioning here. The only exit is to the north.^{7} Location 4 ^{7}{16}{5}Nem'al mys's pertud'loapatz^{7}{16}{6}I am outside my hut in the small patch of land that forms the garden. To the east a gate leads out into the forest, while to the west is my hut.^{7} Location 5 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e granloa'si'larb ruelle^{7}{16}{6}I am walking down a forest path that leads from the east to the west. It is deathly quiet. No bird-song can be heard. The birds must sense the evil in the air as well as I do.^{7} Location 6 ^{7}{16}{5}E fe lekeli.^{7}{16}{6}I am standing in a dark clearing. The air is full of a malevolent evil. The only exit is to the north. ^{7} Location 7 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e fe loa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a dark wood. The trees are twisted and gnarled here. They seem to choke the air around me. I sense a foul, evil place to the south. Maybe it would be best if I returned to the safety of the forest path.^{7} Location 8 ^{7}{4}{16}{5}Su e granloa'si'larb ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}At this point additional exits, to the north and south, are visable. The path still continues east and west as well.^{7} Location 9 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e granloa'si'larb ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The path runs deeper into the forest, with exits to the east and west.^{7} Location 10 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e granloa'si'larb ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}A small track leads off to the north, from this location, while other paths are to the east, south, and west. To the east the forest abruptly comes to an end at the cliff tops.^{7} Location 11 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las lippe.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the top of a cliff, with the forest to my west. There is a tremendous view of the sea from here. The ground is covered with wooden debris, the remains of bonfires to warn away careless ships from the ragged rocks below.^{7} Location 12 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las pert'ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}I am on a small track which leads through the forest to the north and to the south. The track appears to be well used, for the grass is worn and the foliage is kept cut back away from the path.^{7} Location 13 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las pert'ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The track continues in both the direction of north and the direction of south. To the north is a clearing.^{7} Location 14 ^{7}{16}{5}E lekeli.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a small clearing. Although it is lined with trees, small paths lead off to the south and to the west.^{7} Location 15 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las granloa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}I am deep within the forest. To the east is a clearing. Going to the west would take me deep into the heart of the forest.^{7} Location 16 ^{7}{16}{5}Ner las Gran'larb del las granloa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}I am in the heart of the forest, with exits to the east and south.^{7} Location 17 ^{7}{4}{16}{5}Al las granloa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}I am in the great forest. To the north and south are further parts of the forest. A small path leads off, to the west, from here.^{7} Location 18 {16}{6}^{7}{5}{16}{5}Al las granloa'si'larb^{7}{5}{3}{16}{6}I am in the forest with exits to both the north and the south. As I walk along the undergrowth and bushes tear at my clothes.^{7} Location 19 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e pert'ruelle m'al delle las granloa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}I am on a small track that winds its way from the east to the west out of the forest.^{7} Location 20 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e pert'ruelle m'al delle las granloa'si'larb.^{7}{16}{6}The small track bends sharply to the north here, although the forest is back towards the east.^{7} Location 21 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e pert'ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The small track leads north and south here. To the north storm clouds gather. I fear we may have bad weather tonight.^{7} Location 22 ^{7}{16}{5}Hei las vella.^{7}{16}{6}I am beside a great ravine which blocks my route to the north. A crude rope bridge spans the gap to the other side, but the bridge looks as though it is unsafe. It appears as though I must journey back to the south.^{7} Location 23 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las atret colte del vella.^{7}{16}{5}{16}{5}{16}{6}I am on the other side of the ravine. What remains of the bridge hangs limply from the southern edge. It will not be possible for me to travel back that way. But I cannot say that I was not warned, for my senses had told me of the danger involved.^{7}To the north there is a small, but well trodden, road.^{7} Location 24 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e ruelle goase't las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}This road winds its way east, towards a village, or south, to a ravine. The air is cold here, and I wonder whether it will now ever be any different. Recollections of the images cause a sudden chill to come over me - A chill far bitter than the wind.^{7} Location 25 ^{7}{4}{16}{5}Su e ruelle goase't las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}The road turns north here, and off in the distance I can see the roofs of the village dwellings peeking above the tree-tops. I can also go west.^{7} Location 26 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e ruelle goase't las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}At this point in the road, which runs north-south, a small path leads off east down into a valley.^{7} Location 27 ^{7}{16}{5}Nem'al las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}I am standing on the outskirts of {16}{6}{4}{16}{5}Lefolet-Cilte, {16}{6}the local village. To the north is the village square, while to the south the road leads back towards the ravine.^{7} Location 28 ^{7}{16}{5}Las carlde del cilte.^{7}{16}{6}From the village square roads and paths branch off in all directions. The one to the north leads towards the river. The eastwards running road will take me to the jetty. And the western exit takes me into a section of the village. The path to the south meets the road which runs up to the ravine.^{7} Location 29 ^{7}{16}{5}E gran'ruelle al las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}This road leads to the west, past various dwellings, to the larger huts of the village.^{7} Location 30 ^{7}{16}{5}E gran'ruelle al las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}To the north is a sturdy hut with a sign marked {16}{5}'LAS YIALDER LEFOLET' {16}{5}{16}{6}on its walls. Other exits lie on the road to the east and west.^{7} Location 31 ^{7}{4}{16}{5}E gran'ruelle a las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}A path leads off north, towards a farm, while to the south stands a grandly decorated hut. The road ends here, but it leads back east to the village square.^{7} Location 32 ^{7}{16}{5}Las Zua'creis^{7}{16}{5}{16}{6}I am in the dwelling of the master wizards of the village. It is here that apprentices learn their skills and the council of {4}{16}{5}Las Zua'creis {16}{5}{16}{6}is held.^{7}The {4}{16}{5}Lomaralli, {16}{6}the leader of the council of wizards, is here.^{7} Location 33 ^{7}{16}{5}E gran'ruelle m'al del las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}Far to the east the crystal clear waters of {16}{5}las Vas {16}{6}glint and glisten. To the west is the village square.^{7} Location 34 ^{7}{16}{5}E gran'ruelle m'al del las cilte.^{7}{16}{6}The road, that leads from the village square in the west, branches off both to the north and east here. To the north is a small wood, while to the east is the jetty.^{7} Location 35 ^{7}{16}{5}Su lase dilgue.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the jetty. Old barrels and boxes are scattered on the floor here. The people of Valhedia tend to keep their travelling confined to the land, but a few, mainly merchants who find it quicker to get from village to village, travel by sea.^{7}A large notice board keeps the villagers informed of the ships due in.^{7} Location 36 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}I am on a northwards running path that leads through this small wood. The air is still here. Only the occasional wind causes the leaves of the trees to sound, otherwise it is silent.^{7} Location 37 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e lekeli.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a clearing in the wood with my only possible exit being south. The remains of an old camp fire show that this place has often been used by travellers, as do the yellow-green patches of grass scarred by the pitching of tents.^{7} Location 38 ^{7}{16}{5}E lekei al goase lase daile.^{7}{16}{6}I am on a path leading east and west. The path is lined with tall trees that wind upwards where, eventually, their branches weave themselves into a dark green blanket that blocks out the sun.^{7} Location 39 ^{7}{16}{5}Al lase daile.^{7}{16}{6}The trees have all but disappeared now I am in the valley. Green mosses and plants cover the ground beside the small spring here. Off to the north, a small path winds its way up to the peak of a mountain. To the west, another trail leads back up to the road.^{7} Location 40 ^{7}{16}{5}E altro ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The track turns east here as it coils its way up the mountain like a serpent.^{7} Location 41 ^{7}{16}{5}E altro ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The track now bends, away from the east, to the south.^{7} Location 42 ^{7}{16}{5}Ner las tud del las altro.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the top of the mountain. There is a splendid view from here, and I can see for miles around. Clumps of plants and bushes are dotted about, and there is even the remains of some snow here.^{7} Location 43 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las loapatz del las Yialdar.^{7}{16}{6}I am in the home of {16}{5}las Yialdor{16}{6}. A remnant of the great wars, {16}{6}las Yialdors were originally weapon makers. Nowadays, though, the call for arms is scarce and they have become more like blacksmiths. They still, however, practice their art and often make weapons for those villagers rich enough to afford their asking price. The exit is to the south.^{7} Location 44 ^{7}{16}{5}E granruelle goase't las viervas.^{7}{16}{6}This road leads north, from the village square, to the banks of the river {16}{5}Fol.^{7} Location 45 ^{7}{16}{5}Hei las colte del las viervas.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the banks of the river {16}{6}{16}{5}Fol{16}{6}. The northern bank lies several {16}{6}{16}{6}{16}{5}raes{16}{6} to the north.^{7} Location 46 {5}^{7}{16}{5}Hei las colte del las viervas.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the other side of the frozen river. Here, a tangled mass of vines and trees prevents movement in most directions. To the west is a small road.^{7} Location 47 ^{7}{16}{5}E pert ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}This road leads back east, to the river, and also to the north, where there is a clearing.^{7} Location 48 ^{7}{16}{5}Nem'al e pert pertud'loapazt.^{7}{16}{6}A small hut stands in the centre of this clearing. The door inside is to the north, while the road that leads back to the river is to the south.^{7} Location 49 ^{7}{16}{5}Al lase pertud'loapatz.^{7}{16}{6}I am inside the small hut. It is richly decorated, though not to my tastes. Its single door leads out to the south.^{7} Location 50 ^{7}{16}{5}Nem'al e dwolyn.^{7}{16}{6}I am outside a small farm. There is a {16}{6}{16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}pen to the west. To the south is the road.^{7} Location 51 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e pert'dwolyn.^{7}{16}{6}I am beside the {16}{6}{16}{5}chonchu {16}{6}pen. The {16}{6}{5}gate here stops any animal in the pen from escaping. The only exit is to the east.^{7} Location 52 {16}{5}^{7}Al e lekeli.^{7}{16}{6}I find myself in yet another small clearing, hemmed in by the trees and vegetation which prevent any movement in most directions, save west.^{7} Location 53 ^{7}{16}{5}Las hilotre del las Dapter.^{7}{16}{6}I am in the Captain's cabin. Around me are various charts, and the personal belongings of the Captain - They hold little interest to me. To the east is the window.^{7} Location 54 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e chift.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the deck of the ship. Around me there is silence. Not only from the crew, but also from the sails and rigging of the ship which normally flap about in the breeze, but are now strangely still.^{7} Location 55 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e pertchif.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a small boat. Far ahead in the distance, shrouded in mist, is a small island.^{7} Location 56 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las selwyn.^{7}{16}{6}I am on the shore. Besides me is the small boat in which I travelled to this island. Off to the north is a path.^{7} Location 57 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}I am on a road that leads north. From this point I can hear the sound of the sea gently lapping up against the shore which lies behind me, to the south.^{7} Location 58 ^{7}{16}{5}Su e ruelle.^{7}{16}{6}The road continues north and south. To the north I can see the ominous shape of a huge castle.^{7} Location 59 ^{7}{16}{5}Hei las domirs delle lase mircluf.^{7}{16}{6}I am outside the gates to the fort. Constructed from black stone, its walls seem to stretch upwards for miles. Flying above its battlements is a blood red flag. The entrance to this forbidding structure lies to the north. I am uneasy about entering this dark citadel.^{7} Location 60 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las mirclow.^{7}{16}{6}I am in the courtyard of the castle. Around me I see scores of guards! Guards with swords, guards with bows - They move to attack me!^{7}The only exits lie to the north, through a door, or to the south, out the gates.^{7} Location 61 ^{7}{16}{5}Al lase mircluf.^{7}{16}{6}I am inside the castle. To the south is a wooden door, while a corridor leads north further into the stinking castle.^{7} Location 62 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las Zuabres pazt.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a huge chamber. The {16}{5}focu {16}{6}and magical decorations instantly reveal it to be a wizards room. There are exits to the west, north and south.^{7} Location 63 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e pert pazt.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a small room to the west of the wizard's chamber. A huge mirror hangs on the walls here.^{7} Location 64 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e ruemond.^{7}{5}{16}{6}It appears that I am at a dead end. The wizards's room is to the south.^{7} Location 65 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e himirth ruemond.^{7}{16}{6}I am in a dusty passage. It leads north. To the west is the hidden entrance to the passage.^{7} Location 66 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e himirth ruemond.^{7}{16}{5}{16}{6}I am further on down the hidden passage, with exits to both the north and south.^{7} Location 67 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e himirth ruemond.^{7}{16}{5}{16}{6}I am in a bend in the passage, with exits to the south and to the west.^{7} Location 68 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e himirth ruemond.^{7}{16}{6}The passage widens out here. I can go east or west.^{7} Location 69 ^{7}{16}{5}Al e himirth ruemond.^{7}{16}{6}I am before a huge boulder which is on the west wall.^{7} Location 70 ^{7}I enter the tunnel and progress slowly down it. The soft glow from my crystal ball illuminates the decorated walls around me. For several minutes I continue following the route etched into the rock. As I get further down the tunnel the passage gets lighter... The rocks themselves seem to be glowing with a magical luminescence.^{7} Location 71 Location 72 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las ruelle goase't las essem'dier.^{7}{16}{6}I am walking down a small path. It leads south towards a small, derelict building and also north to the forest track.^{7} Location 73 ^{7}{5}{16}{5}Nem'al las essem'dier.^{7}{16}{6}I am outside a small building. Its condition suggests that it has been long disused; A trellis that climbs up its wall once seemed to contain plants, but they have died due to lack of water. The door is old and rusted shut.^{7}The only exit lies to the north. Location 74 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las comelt del las essem'dier.^{7}{16}{6}I am standing on the roof of the building. The tiles that make up the roof are old, and damaged. I can climb down the trellis to reach the ground.^{7} Location 75 ^{7}{16}{5}Al las essem'dier.^{7}{16}{6}I am inside the building. Cobwebs and dust cover the walls and the furniture. A large stone block lies at the far end of the room. It is dark in here and the only light comes from the hole in the roof above, through which I entered.^{7} Location 76 ^{7}As I round the corner I enter a large chamber. No other exits are visable except for one opposite the tunnel that I entered, so I progress towards it. A mistake! For as soon as I reach the centre of the room I find myself falling. Downwards and downwards I plunge until I land, with a thud, on the ground. I pick myself up and glance around....^{7}^{7}{16}{5}HERE ENDS THE FIRST INSTALMENT OF THE TALE. TO CONTINUE WITH YOUR ADVENTURE LOAD UP THE SECOND PART AND ENTER THE PASSWORD - {16}{5}{16}{6}CALAYTRE.^{7} Location 77 ^{7}{16}{5}Al mys's hilotre.^{7}{16}{5}{16}{6}I am in the confines of my cabin. To the west, watched over by a guard outside, is a door. To the east a large window looks out to the {16}{5}serem{16}{6} of the ship. The contents of the room are negligable, with only the single cot and wardrobe being of any interest.^{7} Location 78 ^{7}{16}{5}Euderer su e tielle.^{7}{16}{6}I am climbing up the {16}{6}{16}{5}serem {16}{6}of the ship using the makeshift rope. Directly opposite me, to the west, is the window of my cabin. The rope ends a few {16}{6}{16}{5}rae {16}{6}below the window, but I can climb further upwards towards the ships deck.^{7} Location 79 ^{7}{16}{5}Euderer su e tielle.^{7}{16}{6}I am further up the makeshift rope. Another window is directly level with me to the west. I can move up or down the rope.^{7} Location 80 ^{7}{16}{5}Su las flenft.^{7}{16}{6}I am standing on the deck of the ship. I can go to the north or to the west. I can hear voices.^{7} Location 81 ^{7}{16}{6}I creep silently off to the north. On several occasions I have to duck behind barrels to avoid the crew. Eventually I make my way to one of the small boats that the ship carries...^{7} Location 82 ^{7}{16}{5}Ner lase pertchif.^{7}{16}{6}I am beside the small lifeboat. The sun beams down accross the deck, the shadows of the masts and rigging move and sway from side to side.^{7} Location 83 ^{7}{16}{6}I climb into the lifeboat and wait in it until nightfall. Then, under the cover of darkness I creep out and lower the boat into the water. I climb down the side of the ship into the boat and wait until the ship has moved a safe distance away...^{7} Location 84 ^{7}{16}{6}I row for a long while. When I am exusted I fall into a deep sleep. In the morning I awake to a new sight...^{7} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTIONS ----------- Location 1: N 2 S 3 E 4 Location 2: S 1 Location 3: N 1 Location 4: W 1 E 5 Location 5: W 4 E 8 Location 6: N 7 Location 7: N 8 S 6 Location 8: W 5 S 7 E 9 N 18 Location 9: W 8 E 10 Location 10: W 9 E 11 N 12 S 72 Location 11: W 10 Location 12: S 10 N 13 Location 13: S 12 N 14 Location 14: S 13 W 15 Location 15: E 14 W 16 Location 16: E 15 S 17 Location 17: N 16 S 18 W 19 Location 18: N 17 S 8 Location 19: E 17 W 20 Location 20: E 19 N 21 Location 21: S 20 N 22 Location 22: S 21 Location 23: N 24 Location 24: S 23 E 25 Location 25: W 24 N 26 Location 26: S 25 N 27 E 38 Location 27: N 28 S 26 Location 28: S 27 W 29 E 33 N 44 Location 29: E 28 W 30 Location 30: W 31 E 29 N 43 Location 31: S 32 E 30 N 50 Location 32: N 31 Location 33: W 28 E 34 Location 34: W 33 E 35 N 36 Location 35: W 34 Location 36: N 37 S 34 Location 37: S 36 Location 38: W 26 E 39 OFF 39 ASCEN 26 Location 39: W 38 ASCEN 38 N 40 Location 40: E 41 ASCEN 41 S 39 OFF 39 Location 41: W 40 OFF 40 S 42 ASCEN 42 Location 42: OFF 41 N 41 Location 43: S 30 Location 44: S 28 N 45 Location 45: S 44 N 46 Location 46: S 45 W 47 Location 47: E 46 N 48 Location 48: S 47 N 49 Location 49: S 48 Location 50: S 31 W 51 Location 51: E 50 Location 52: W 46 Location 56: N 57 Location 57: S 56 N 58 Location 58: S 57 N 59 Location 59: N 60 S 58 Location 60: N 61 S 59 Location 61: N 62 S 60 Location 62: S 61 W 63 N 64 Location 63: E 62 Location 64: S 62 Location 65: W 64 N 66 Location 66: S 65 N 67 Location 67: S 66 W 68 Location 68: E 67 W 69 Location 69: E 68 Location 72: N 10 S 73 Location 73: N 72 ASCEN 74 Location 74: OFF 73 Location 78: ASCEN 79 Location 79: OFF 78 ASCEN 80 Location 80: N 81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT NAMES ------------ Object 0 {16}{7}A golden mask Object 1 {16}{7}A staff Object 2 {16}{7}A crystal ball Object 3 {16}{7}Some gloves Object 4 {16}{7}A spell book Object 5 {16}{7}A robe Object 6 {16}{7}An egg Object 7 {16}{7}Some logs Object 8 {16}{7}A box Object 9 {16}{7}My clothes Object 10 {16}{7}A piece of paper Object 11 {16}{7}A chart Object 12 {16}{7}A spade Object 13 {16}{7}A leaf Object 14 {16}{7}A bottle Object 15 {16}{7}A bottle (full of water) Object 16 {16}{7}A bottle (in which is contained the ice spell) Object 17 {16}{7}A rope Object 18 {16}{7}A root Object 19 {16}{7}A bottle (in which is contained the snap spell) Object 20 {16}{7}A sword Object 21 {16}{7}Some money Object 22 {16}{7}Two oars Object 23 {16}{7}A bible Object 24 {16}{7}Some sheets. Object 25 {16}{7}A piece of metal. Object 26 {16}{7}A makeshift grapnel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT WORDS ------------ Object 0 MASK 50 _ Object 1 STAFF 51 _ Object 2 BALL 52 _ Object 3 GLOVE 53 _ Object 4 BOOK 54 _ Object 5 ROBE 55 _ Object 6 EGG 56 _ Object 7 WOOD 57 _ Object 8 BOX 58 _ Object 9 CLOTH 74 _ Object 10 PAPER 76 _ Object 11 CHART 77 _ Object 12 SPADE 78 _ Object 13 LEAF 81 _ Object 14 BOTTL 82 _ Object 15 BOTTL 82 _ Object 16 BOTTL 82 _ Object 17 ROPE 83 _ Object 18 ROOT 84 _ Object 19 BOTTL 82 _ Object 20 SWORD 85 _ Object 21 MONEY 86 _ Object 22 OAR 100 _ Object 23 BIBLE 111 _ Object 24 _ _ Object 25 _ _ Object 26 _ _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIALLY AT ------------ Object 0 W Object 1 C Object 2 NC Object 3 NC Object 4 NC Object 5 NC Object 6 NC Object 7 NC Object 8 NC Object 9 W Object 10 NC Object 11 NC Object 12 NC Object 13 NC Object 14 NC Object 15 NC Object 16 NC Object 17 NC Object 18 NC Object 19 NC Object 20 NC Object 21 NC Object 22 55 Object 23 NC Object 24 NC Object 25 NC Object 26 NC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT WEIGHT AND TYPE ---------------------- Object 0: weights 1 W Object 1: weights 1 Object 2: weights 1 Object 3: weights 1 W Object 4: weights 1 Object 5: weights 1 W Object 6: weights 1 Object 7: weights 1 Object 8: weights 1 Object 9: weights 1 W Object 10: weights 1 Object 11: weights 1 Object 12: weights 1 Object 13: weights 1 Object 14: weights 1 Object 15: weights 1 Object 16: weights 1 Object 17: weights 1 Object 18: weights 1 Object 19: weights 1 Object 20: weights 1 Object 21: weights 1 Object 22: weights 1 Object 23: weights 1 Object 24: weights 1 Object 25: weights 1 Object 26: weights 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPONSE TABLE -------------- * * AT 0 NOTEQ 33 33 PROMPT 0 GOTO 1 DESC S * AT 31 ZERO 80 MESSAGE 78 DONE S * AT 31 NOTZERO 80 MESSAGE 79 DONE S * AT 60 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE S * AT 62 MESSAGE 205 DONE E * AT 51 ZERO 90 NOTZERO 91 CARRIED 17 MESSAGE 153 PLACE 17 51 GOTO 50 ANYKEY DESC E * AT 46 NOTZERO 94 GOTO 52 DESC E * AT 35 NOTZERO 80 NOTZERO 74 GOTO 54 CLS MESSAGE 166 ANYKEY MESSAGE 167 ANYKEY MESSAGE 168 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 169 ANYKEY MESSAGE 170 ANYKEY DESC E * AT 64 NOTZERO 118 GOTO 65 DESC E * AT 77 ZERO 136 SYSMESS 83 DONE E * AT 77 NOTZERO 136 SYSMESS 106 GOTO 78 ANYKEY DESC E * AT 53 SYSMESS 106 ANYKEY GOTO 79 DESC W * AT 62 ZERO 112 MESSAGE 207 NEWLINE DONE W * AT 69 NOTZERO 122 ZERO 123 MESSAGE 225 DONE W * AT 69 NOTZERO 122 NOTZERO 123 CARRIED 2 GOTO 70 DESC W * AT 78 SYSMESS 107 GOTO 77 ANYKEY DESC W * AT 79 ZERO 137 SYSMESS 115 DONE W * AT 79 NOTZERO 137 SYSMESS 107 ANYKEY GOTO 53 DESC W * AT 80 ANYKEY CLS SYSMESS 118 ANYKEY NEWLINE SYSMESS 119 ANYKEY NEWLINE SYSMESS 120 ANYKEY NEWLINE SYSMESS 111 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE N * AT 22 CLS MESSAGE 52 ANYKEY MESSAGE 53 ANYKEY MESSAGE 54 ANYKEY MESSAGE 55 ANYKEY GOTO 23 DESC N * AT 30 ZERO 80 MESSAGE 77 DONE N * AT 45 ZERO 84 MESSAGE 129 DONE N * ZERO 101 AT 60 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE N * AT 62 ZERO 112 MESSAGE 207 NEWLINE DONE OFF * AT 75 NOTZERO 126 NOTZERO 127 SYSMESS 72 CLEAR 127 DONE ASCEN * AT 75 ZERO 126 MESSAGE 252 DONE ASCEN * AT 75 NOTZERO 126 ZERO 127 SYSMESS 71 SET 127 DONE ASCEN * AT 75 NOTZERO 126 NOTZERO 127 GOTO 74 DESC ASCEN D AT 74 GOTO 73 DESC ASCEN D AT 75 NOTZERO 126 NOTZERO 127 SYSMESS 72 CLEAR 127 DONE ASCEN GAP NOTZERO 125 AT 74 GOTO 75 DESC ASCEN ROOF NOTZERO 125 AT 74 GOTO 75 DESC I _ INVEN G * AT 78 SYSMESS 108 DONE G I INVEN G A DOALL 255 G STAFF AT 69 NOTZERO 129 SYSMESS 80 DONE G BALL ATLT 54 PRESENT 2 NOTWORN 3 MESSAGE 27 DONE G BALL ATGT 53 PRESENT 2 NOTWORN 3 ZERO 100 CLS MESSAGE 186 ANYKEY MESSAGE 187 ANYKEY MESSAGE 188 ANYKEY SET 100 DESC G BALL ATGT 54 NOTZERO 100 PRESENT 2 NOTWORN 3 MESSAGE 27 DONE G ROBE AT 14 NOTZERO 130 SYSMESS 80 DONE G SWORD ZERO 85 AT 43 ZERO 87 MESSAGE 135 PLACE 20 254 SET 87 DONE G SWORD NOTZERO 85 ZERO 87 AT 43 CREATE 20 AUTOG SET 87 DONE G WATER NOTAT 39 MESSAGE 116 DONE G WATER AT 39 CARRIED 14 MESSAGE 115 SWAP 14 15 DONE G WATER AT 39 CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 114 DONE G WATER AT 39 CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 114 DONE G WATER AT 39 CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 114 DONE G WATER NOTCARR 14 NOTCARR 15 NOTCARR 16 NOTCARR 19 MESSAGE 122 DONE G _ AUTOG DONE PUT * AT 78 SYSMESS 108 DONE PUT A DOALL 254 PUT STAFF MESSAGE 30 DONE PUT LEAF PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 13 CARRIED 14 MESSAGE 123 DONE PUT LEAF PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 13 CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 124 SWAP 15 16 DESTROY 13 PLUS 30 3 DONE PUT LEAF PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 13 CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 114 DONE PUT ROOT PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 18 CARRIED 14 MESSAGE 123 DONE PUT ROOT PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 18 CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 165 SWAP 15 19 DESTROY 18 PLUS 30 3 DONE PUT ROOT PREP 4 NOUN2 82 CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 114 DONE PUT _ AUTOD DONE REMOV A DOALL 253 REMOV MASK MESSAGE 51 DONE REMOV GLOVE ATLT 54 WORN 3 CARRIED 2 MESSAGE 28 DONE REMOV GLOVE ATGT 53 WORN 3 CARRIED 2 ZERO 100 REMOVE 3 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 186 ANYKEY MESSAGE 187 ANYKEY MESSAGE 188 ANYKEY SET 100 DROP 2 DESC REMOV GLOVE ATGT 53 NOTZERO 100 WORN 3 CARRIED 2 MESSAGE 28 DONE REMOV CLOTH MESSAGE 60 DONE REMOV _ AUTOR DONE WEAR A DOALL 254 WEAR _ AUTOW DONE R _ DESC Q _ QUIT TURNS SCORE END SA _ SAVE LO _ LOAD RS _ RAMSAVE SYSMESS 67 ANYKEY DESC RL _ SYSMESS 68 ANYKEY RAMLOAD 255 DESC X MASK PRESENT 0 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 1 MESSAGE 4 ANYKEY DESC X STAFF AT 69 NOTZERO 129 SYSMESS 80 DONE X STAFF PRESENT 1 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 2 SAVEAT PROCESS 13 BACKAT MES 5 PROCESS 4 ANYKEY DESC X BALL PRESENT 2 MESSAGE 6 X BALL PRESENT 2 NOTZERO 123 MESSAGE 226 DONE X BALL PRESENT 2 DONE X GLOVE PRESENT 3 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 4 MESSAGE 7 ANYKEY DESC X BOOK PRESENT 4 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 5 MESSAGE 8 ANYKEY DESC X ROBE AT 14 NOTZERO 130 SYSMESS 80 DONE X ROBE PRESENT 5 MESSAGE 9 DONE X EGG PRESENT 6 MESSAGE 10 DONE X WOOD PRESENT 7 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 38 MESSAGE 11 ANYKEY DESC X BOX PRESENT 8 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 39 MESSAGE 12 ANYKEY DESC X DAIS AT 2 MESSAGE 23 ZERO 60 MESSAGE 24 CREATE 2 SET 60 PLUS 30 2 ANYKEY DESC X DAIS DONE X BED AT 3 ZERO 61 MESSAGE 25 CREATE 3 PLACE 3 254 SET 61 PLUS 30 2 DONE X BED AT 77 ZERO 132 PLACE 24 254 SYSMESS 84 SET 132 PLUS 30 2 DONE X SHELF AT 2 ZERO 70 MESSAGE 26 PLACE 4 254 SET 70 PLUS 30 2 DONE X MIRE AT 63 ZERO 117 MESSAGE 212 DONE X MIRE NOTZERO 117 AT 63 MESSAGE 209 DONE X DELM AT 6 ZERO 71 MESSAGE 34 DONE X DELM AT 67 ZERO 121 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 72 SYSMESS 77 DONE X DEBRI AT 11 ZERO 73 PLACE 6 254 MESSAGE 37 SET 73 PLUS 30 2 DONE X TREE AT 16 MESSAGE 56 DONE X WOODC AT 14 ZERO 72 MESSAGE 57 DONE X CLOTH MESSAGE 59 DONE X BUSHE AT 18 ZERO 77 PLACE 12 254 MESSAGE 61 SET 77 PLUS 30 2 DONE X PAPER PRESENT 10 MESSAGE 64 DONE X CHART PRESENT 11 MESSAGE 66 DONE X SPADE PRESENT 12 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 40 MESSAGE 67 ANYKEY DESC X DESK AT 1 ZERO 79 MESSAGE 63 PLACE 11 254 SET 79 PLUS 30 2 DONE X TABLE AT 75 NOTZERO 127 MESSAGE 254 DONE X TABLE AT 3 ZERO 78 MESSAGE 62 PLACE 10 254 SET 78 PLUS 30 2 DONE X TABLE AT 75 ZERO 126 MESSAGE 250 DONE X TABLE AT 75 NOTZERO 126 MESSAGE 249 DONE X LEAF PRESENT 13 PROCESS 6 MESSAGE 68 ANYKEY DESC X BOTTL PRESENT 14 MESSAGE 69 DONE X BOTTL PRESENT 15 MESSAGE 70 DONE X BOTTL PRESENT 16 MESSAGE 71 DONE X BOTTL PRESENT 19 MESSAGE 74 DONE X ROPE PRESENT 17 MESSAGE 72 DONE X ROOT PRESENT 18 MESSAGE 73 X SWORD PRESENT 20 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 71 MESSAGE 75 ANYKEY DESC X MONEY PRESENT 21 MESSAGE 76 DONE X BOXES AT 35 ZERO 81 PLACE 17 254 MESSAGE 109 SET 81 PLUS 30 2 DONE X NOTIC ZERO 80 AT 35 MESSAGE 107 DONE X NOTIC AT 35 NOTZERO 80 ZERO 74 MESSAGE 108 DONE X GAP CARRIED 1 MESSAGE 126 DONE X FORGE AT 43 ZERO 87 MESSAGE 134 DONE X BODY AT 43 NOTZERO 85 MESSAGE 137 DONE X BODY AT 49 NOTZERO 86 ZERO 88 MESSAGE 137 MESSAGE 142 PLACE 21 254 SET 88 DONE X BODY AT 49 NOTZERO 86 NOTZERO 88 MESSAGE 137 DONE X BODY AT 62 NOTZERO 115 ZERO 111 MESSAGE 201 ANYKEY MESSAGE 202 ANYKEY MESSAGE 203 ANYKEY NEWLINE MESSAGE 206 ANYKEY SET 111 SET 112 PLUS 30 2 DESC X CHONC SAME 93 38 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 6 MESSAGE 151 DONE X CHONC AT 51 ZERO 90 PROCESS 6 PICTURE 6 MESSAGE 151 DONE X OAR PRESENT 22 MESSAGE 182 DONE X BOAT AT 56 MESSAGE 184 DONE X BOAT AT 82 SYSMESS 121 DONE X DOOR AT 61 MESSAGE 191 DONE X DOOR AT 73 MESSAGE 247 DONE X DOOR AT 77 SYSMESS 90 DONE X BIBLE PRESENT 23 MESSAGE 243 DONE X ROOF AT 74 MESSAGE 244 DONE X FURNI AT 75 MESSAGE 248 DONE X SLAB AT 75 NOTZERO 127 SYSMESS 74 MESSAGE 254 DONE X SLAB AT 75 ZERO 128 SYSMESS 73 PLACE 23 254 SET 128 PLUS 30 2 DONE X WINDO AT 77 ZERO 135 SYSMESS 101 DONE X WINDO AT 77 NOTZERO 135 SYSMESS 100 DONE X WINDO AT 79 ZERO 137 SYSMESS 116 DONE X WINDO AT 79 NOTZERO 137 SYSMESS 114 DONE X SHEET PRESENT 24 ZERO 133 ZERO 131 SYSMESS 87 NEWLINE DONE X SHEET PRESENT 24 ZERO 133 NOTZERO 131 SYSMESS 87 SYSMESS 88 NEWLINE DONE X SHEET CARRIED 24 NOTZERO 133 NOTZERO 131 SYSMESS 87 SYSMESS 88 SYSMESS 97 DONE X METAL CARRIED 25 SYSMESS 93 DONE X GRAPN CARRIED 26 SYSMESS 95 DONE X CUPBO AT 77 SYSMESS 85 DONE X _ SYSMESS 65 DONE SAY WOODC AT 14 ZERO 72 MESSAGE 58 DONE SAY LAREG AT 31 ZERO 80 MESSAGE 80 SET 80 PLUS 30 3 GOTO 32 ANYKEY DESC SAY FORGE ZERO 85 AT 43 ZERO 87 MESSAGE 135 PLACE 20 254 SET 87 DONE SAY FORGE ZERO 85 NOTZERO 87 AT 43 MESSAGE 144 DONE SAY MAN AT 49 ZERO 86 ZERO 88 MESSAGE 143 DONE SAY MAN AT 49 ZERO 86 NOTZERO 88 MESSAGE 145 DONE SAY ANARZ AT 64 ZERO 118 MESSAGE 213 ANYKEY SET 118 PLUS 30 3 DESC SAY ANARZ MESSAGE 215 DONE READ BOOK CARRIED 4 MESSAGE 29 SET 62 DESTROY 4 PLUS 30 2 DONE READ PAPER PRESENT 10 MESSAGE 65 DONE READ CHART PRESENT 11 NOTAT 42 MESSAGE 119 DONE READ CHART AT 42 ZERO 83 PRESENT 11 MESSAGE 120 SET 83 PLACE 13 254 PLUS 30 2 DONE READ CHART AT 42 PRESENT 11 NOTZERO 83 MESSAGE 121 DONE READ NOTIC AT 35 ZERO 80 MESSAGE 107 DONE READ NOTIC AT 35 NOTZERO 80 ZERO 74 MESSAGE 108 DONE READ BIBLE PRESENT 23 ZERO 124 CLS MESSAGE 228 ANYKEY MESSAGE 229 ANYKEY MESSAGE 230 ANYKEY MESSAGE 231 ANYKEY MESSAGE 232 ANYKEY MESSAGE 233 ANYKEY MESSAGE 234 ANYKEY MESSAGE 235 ANYKEY MESSAGE 236 ANYKEY MESSAGE 237 ANYKEY MESSAGE 238 ANYKEY MESSAGE 239 ANYKEY MESSAGE 240 ANYKEY MESSAGE 241 ANYKEY SET 124 DESC READ BIBLE PRESENT 23 NOTZERO 124 MESSAGE 242 DESTROY 23 SET 63 PLUS 30 2 DONE Y * AT 0 PROCESS 3 GOTO 1 PROMPT 0 DESC CAST * NOTCARR 1 SYSMESS 86 DONE CAST FIRE AT 16 NOTZERO 62 MESSAGE 48 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY MESSAGE 49 ANYKEY TURNS SCORE END CAST FIRE NOTZERO 62 NOTAT 11 MESSAGE 41 DONE CAST FIRE AT 11 NOTZERO 62 CARRIED 7 MESSAGE 44 DONE CAST FIRE AT 11 NOTZERO 62 ABSENT 7 MESSAGE 45 DONE CAST FIRE AT 11 ZERO 74 PRESENT 7 NOTCARR 7 NOTZERO 62 MESSAGE 42 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 SET 74 DESTROY 7 CLEAR 62 ANYKEY PLUS 30 3 DESC CAST FIRE ZERO 62 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST BEGON AT 6 ZERO 71 NOTZERO 63 MESSAGE 35 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY CLEAR 63 CREATE 5 PLUS 30 3 SET 71 DESC CAST BEGON ZERO 63 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST MIRE NOTZERO 64 AT 67 ZERO 121 MESSAGE 218 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY MESSAGE 219 ANYKEY MESSAGE 220 ANYKEY SET 121 CLEAR 64 PLUS 30 3 DESC CAST MIRE ZERO 64 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST GLOW CARRIED 1 NOTZERO 65 CARRIED 2 ZERO 123 MESSAGE 224 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 SET 123 PLUS 30 3 DONE CAST GLOW NOTCARR 2 CARRIED 1 NOTZERO 65 SYSMESS 78 DONE CAST GLOW ZERO 65 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST SHIEL AT 60 CARRIED 1 NOTZERO 66 MESSAGE 190 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 SET 101 LET 104 2 CLEAR 66 PLUS 30 3 DONE CAST SHIEL ZERO 66 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST SNAP AT 62 ZERO 113 NOTZERO 67 MESSAGE 198 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 CLEAR 67 SET 113 PLUS 30 3 DONE CAST SNAP ZERO 67 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST DEATH AT 43 ZERO 85 NOTZERO 68 MESSAGE 136 CLEAR 68 SET 85 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY DESC CAST DEATH AT 49 ZERO 86 NOTZERO 68 MESSAGE 141 SET 86 CLEAR 68 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY DESC CAST DEATH ZERO 95 NOTCARR 17 NOTZERO 68 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 163 DESTROY 17 CLEAR 95 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 DONE CAST DEATH NOTZERO 68 ZERO 95 CARRIED 17 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 161 SET 95 CLEAR 68 DESTROY 17 CREATE 17 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY DESC CAST DEATH AT 54 NOTZERO 68 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 MESSAGE 178 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE CAST DEATH AT 62 NOTZERO 68 ZERO 115 ZERO 113 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 MESSAGE 197 NEWLINE DONE CAST DEATH AT 62 NOTZERO 68 NOTZERO 113 MESSAGE 199 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 SET 115 CLEAR 68 ANYKEY PLUS 30 3 DESC CAST DEATH AT 60 NOTZERO 68 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 MESSAGE 208 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE CAST DEATH ZERO 68 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST LIFE AT 16 NOTZERO 69 ZERO 75 MESSAGE 48 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 ANYKEY MESSAGE 50 ANYKEY SET 75 PLACE 8 254 CLEAR 69 PLUS 30 3 DESC CAST LIFE ZERO 69 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST ICE AT 45 NOTZERO 76 PICTURE 73 PICTURE 73 MESSAGE 131 SET 84 CLEAR 76 PLUS 30 3 DONE CAST ICE ZERO 76 SYSMESS 79 DONE CAST _ MESSAGE 36 DONE HELP * PROCESS 5 DONE HIT EGG CARRIED 6 MESSAGE 40 DESTROY 6 SET 69 PLUS 30 2 DONE HIT MIRE AT 63 ZERO 117 MESSAGE 210 ANYKEY MESSAGE 211 ANYKEY SET 64 SET 117 PLUS 30 2 DESC HIT METAL CARRIED 25 SYSMESS 94 DESTROY 25 PLACE 26 254 PLUS 30 2 DONE DIG * NOTCARR 12 MESSAGE 113 DONE DIG * AT 37 ZERO 82 MESSAGE 112 PLACE 14 254 SET 82 PLUS 30 2 DONE DIG * AT 37 NOTZERO 82 SYSMESS 65 DONE DIG * AT 52 CARRIED 12 ZERO 96 MESSAGE 164 PLACE 18 254 SET 96 PLUS 30 2 DONE DIG _ MESSAGE 111 DONE FILL BOTTL NOTAT 39 MESSAGE 116 DONE FILL BOTTL AT 39 CARRIED 14 MESSAGE 115 SWAP 14 15 DONE FILL BOTTL AT 39 CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 114 DONE FILL BOTTL AT 39 CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 114 DONE FILL BOTTL AT 39 CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 114 DONE FILL BOTTL NOTCARR 14 NOTCARR 15 NOTCARR 16 NOTCARR 19 MESSAGE 122 DONE DRINK WATER AT 39 MESSAGE 117 DONE DRINK WATER AT 45 MESSAGE 117 DONE DRINK WATER AT 46 MESSAGE 117 DONE DRINK WATER AT 35 MESSAGE 117 DONE DRINK WATER CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 117 DONE DRINK WATER CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 118 DONE DRINK WATER CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 118 DONE EMPTY BOTTL CARRIED 15 MESSAGE 125 DONE EMPTY BOTTL CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 125 DONE EMPTY BOTTL CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 125 DONE TIP BOOK CARRIED 16 MESSAGE 127 SET 76 SWAP 16 14 DONE TIP BOOK CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 127 SET 67 SWAP 19 14 DONE GIVE SWORD AT 49 CARRIED 20 ZERO 86 ZERO 88 MESSAGE 140 SET 88 PLACE 21 254 DESTROY 20 PLUS 30 3 DONE GIVE MONEY AT 43 ZERO 85 ZERO 89 CARRIED 21 MESSAGE 148 DESTROY 21 SET 89 SET 66 PLUS 30 3 DONE KILL FORGE AT 43 ZERO 85 CARRIED 20 MESSAGE 146 SET 85 ANYKEY DESC KILL MAN AT 49 CARRIED 20 ZERO 86 MESSAGE 147 SET 86 ANYKEY DESC KILL CHONC ZERO 95 NOTCARR 17 CARRIED 20 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 163 DESTROY 17 CLEAR 93 DONE KILL CHONC ZERO 95 CARRIED 17 CARRIED 20 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 162 SET 95 DESTROY 17 CREATE 17 ANYKEY DESC OPEN BOX NOTAT 54 CARRIED 8 PROCESS 8 MESSAGE 181 DESTROY 8 ANYKEY DESC OPEN BOX AT 54 CARRIED 8 MESSAGE 176 MESSAGE 177 DESTROY 8 ANYKEY PLUS 30 3 PROCESS 9 DONE OPEN PEN AT 51 ZERO 91 ZERO 92 ZERO 90 MESSAGE 150 SET 90 DONE OPEN PEN AT 51 ZERO 90 NOTZERO 91 MESSAGE 155 SET 90 SET 92 LET 93 51 ANYKEY DESC OPEN DOOR AT 73 MESSAGE 247 DONE OPEN WINDO AT 77 ZERO 135 SYSMESS 82 SET 135 DONE OPEN CUPBO AT 77 SYSMESS 85 DONE TIE ROPE CARRIED 17 AT 51 ZERO 90 ZERO 91 MESSAGE 152 SET 91 DONE TIE SHEET PREP 2 NOUN2 119 CARRIED 26 CARRIED 24 NOTZERO 131 ZERO 133 SYSMESS 96 NEWLINE SET 133 DESTROY 26 DONE TIE SHEET PREP 2 NOUN2 119 CARRIED 26 CARRIED 24 ZERO 131 SYSMESS 102 DONE TIE SHEET PREP 2 NOUN2 118 CARRIED 25 CARRIED 24 SYSMESS 98 DONE TIE SHEET CARRIED 24 ZERO 131 SYSMESS 89 SET 131 DONE TIE SHEET CARRIED 24 SYSMESS 99 DONE UNTIE ROPE NOTZERO 91 MESSAGE 156 DONE ROW * AT 55 CARRIED 22 MESSAGE 183 GOTO 56 DESTROY 22 ANYKEY DESC ROW * AT 55 MESSAGE 185 DONE LOCK WINDO AT 77 NOTZERO 135 SYSMESS 104 DONE LOCK _ AT 61 ZERO 105 MESSAGE 192 SET 105 DONE LEVER BOULD AT 69 ZERO 122 MESSAGE 222 ANYKEY SYSMESS 122 ANYKEY SYSMESS 123 ANYKEY PLACE 1 69 SET 122 SET 129 PLUS 30 3 DESC LIFT TABLE AT 75 ZERO 126 MESSAGE 251 SET 126 DONE LIFT TABLE AT 75 NOTZERO 126 MESSAGE 253 DONE LIFT ROOF AT 74 ZERO 125 MESSAGE 246 ANYKEY SET 125 PLUS 30 3 DESC LIFT METAL AT 77 ZERO 134 SYSMESS 91 PLACE 25 254 SET 134 PLUS 30 3 DONE LIFT METAL AT 77 NOTZERO 134 SYSMESS 92 DONE GO GAP NOTZERO 125 AT 74 GOTO 75 DESC GO BOAT AT 82 PROCESS 12 DONE GO BOAT AT 82 PROCESS 12 DONE GO WINDO AT 77 NOTZERO 136 SYSMESS 106 GOTO 78 ANYKEY DESC GO WINDO AT 78 SYSMESS 107 GOTO 77 ANYKEY DESC THROW SHEET CARRIED 24 AT 77 ZERO 135 SYSMESS 101 DONE THROW SHEET AT 77 CARRIED 24 ZERO 131 SYSMESS 102 DONE THROW SHEET AT 77 CARRIED 24 NOTZERO 131 ZERO 133 SYSMESS 103 DONE THROW SHEET AT 77 CARRIED 24 NOTZERO 131 NOTZERO 133 SYSMESS 104 NEWLINE DESTROY 24 SET 136 PLUS 30 3 DONE KICK WINDO AT 79 ZERO 137 SYSMESS 113 SET 137 PLUS 30 2 DONE LISTE * AT 80 SYSMESS 117 DONE SCORE * SCORE DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 1 ----------- * * AT 84 ANYKEY GOTO 55 DESC * * AT 83 ANYKEY GOTO 84 DESC * * AT 81 ANYKEY GOTO 82 DESC * * ATGT 0 SAVEAT PRINTAT 0 0 MES 3 BACKAT * * AT 0 MODE 4 1 NEWLINE MESSAGE 1 NEWLINE MESSAGE 2 ABILITY 255 255 ANYKEY CLS PROMPT 66 * * AT 6 ZERO 71 MES 33 * * ZERO 95 CARRIED 17 NOTZERO 92 NOTZERO 91 COPYFF 38 93 * * AT 14 ZERO 72 MES 38 * * AT 11 NOTZERO 74 MES 43 * * AT 16 ZERO 75 MES 46 * * AT 16 NOTZERO 75 MES 47 * * AT 32 MES 3 NEWLINE PROTECT PROCESS 7 DONE * * NOTZERO 74 NOTZERO 80 AT 35 MES 110 * * AT 45 NOTZERO 84 MES 130 * * ZERO 85 AT 43 MESSAGE 132 * * NOTZERO 85 AT 43 MESSAGE 133 * * AT 49 ZERO 86 MESSAGE 138 * * AT 49 NOTZERO 86 MESSAGE 139 * * ZERO 95 NOTAT 0 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 154 * * AT 51 ZERO 90 MESSAGE 149 * * AT 46 NOTZERO 94 MESSAGE 159 * * NOTZERO 95 SAME 93 38 MESSAGE 160 * * ZERO 99 AT 54 MESSAGE 3 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 171 ANYKEY MESSAGE 172 ANYKEY MESSAGE 173 ANYKEY MESSAGE 174 ANYKEY MESSAGE 175 ANYKEY SET 99 DESC * * AT 62 ZERO 111 ZERO 115 MESSAGE 195 * * AT 62 ZERO 111 NOTZERO 115 MESSAGE 200 * * AT 63 NOTZERO 117 MESSAGE 209 * * AT 64 NOTZERO 118 MESSAGE 214 * * AT 70 MESSAGE 3 ANYKEY GOTO 76 DESC * * ZERO 121 AT 67 MESSAGE 216 * * AT 69 NOTZERO 122 MESSAGE 221 * * AT 74 NOTZERO 125 MES 246 * * AT 75 NOTZERO 126 MES 249 * * AT 76 MESSAGE 3 PAUSE 0 CLS SCORE TURNS END * _ ATGT 0 LISTOBJ MES 3 NEWLINE PROTECT * _ AT 46 CARRIED 17 NOTZERO 92 NOTZERO 91 MESSAGE 157 ANYKEY CLEAR 93 GOTO 52 DESC * _ AT 52 ZERO 94 MESSAGE 158 SET 94 DESTROY 17 CLEAR 92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 2 ----------- * * AT 14 ZERO 72 WORN 5 MESSAGE 39 SET 72 CREATE 7 PLACE 5 14 SET 130 ANYKEY DESC * * CARRIED 17 NOTZERO 92 NOTZERO 91 COPYFF 38 93 * * ZERO 97 AT 54 LET 98 2 SET 97 DONE * * AT 54 MINUS 98 1 * * ZERO 98 AT 54 MESSAGE 179 ANYKEY MESSAGE 180 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * ZERO 103 AT 60 LET 104 2 SET 103 * * AT 60 MINUS 104 1 * * AT 60 ZERO 104 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * ATGT 60 ATLT 71 ZERO 112 PROCESS 10 * * AT 67 ZERO 120 LET 119 3 SET 120 * * AT 67 NOTZERO 120 MINUS 119 1 * * AT 67 ZERO 119 ZERO 121 MESSAGE 217 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * ATGT 77 ATLT 80 ZERO 139 SET 139 LET 138 6 * * ATGT 77 ATLT 80 MINUS 138 1 * * ATGT 77 ATLT 80 EQ 138 2 NEWLINE SYSMESS 109 * * ATGT 77 ATLT 80 EQ 138 4 NEWLINE SYSMESS 109 * * ATLT 80 ATGT 77 ZERO 138 NEWLINE SYSMESS 110 ANYKEY SYSMESS 111 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 3 ----------- * * CLS SYSMESS 55 NEWLINE * * ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 56 NEWLINE ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 57 NEWLINE ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 58 NEWLINE ANYKEY CLS * * SYSMESS 59 NEWLINE ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 60 NEWLINE ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 61 ANYKEY CLS * * SYSMESS 62 NEWLINE ANYKEY * * SYSMESS 63 ANYKEY DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 4 ----------- * * ZERO 62 ZERO 63 ZERO 64 ZERO 65 ZERO 66 ZERO 67 ZERO 68 ZERO 69 ZERO 76 MESSAGE 21 DONE * * MES 22 NOTZERO 62 MESSAGE 13 * * NOTZERO 63 MESSAGE 14 * * NOTZERO 76 MESSAGE 128 * * NOTZERO 64 MESSAGE 15 * * NOTZERO 65 MESSAGE 16 * * NOTZERO 66 MESSAGE 17 * * NOTZERO 67 MESSAGE 18 * * NOTZERO 68 MESSAGE 19 * * NOTZERO 69 MESSAGE 20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 5 ----------- * * AT 2 MESSAGE 31 DONE _ _ MESSAGE 32 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 6 ----------- * * CLS * * INK 6 PAPER 0 PRINTAT 8 0 SYSMESS 75 PROTECT PRINTAT 0 0 MESSAGE 3 SYSMESS 76 * * PICTURE 0 * * PRINTAT 12 0 * * DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 7 ----------- * * ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 81 ANYKEY MESSAGE 82 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 83 ANYKEY MESSAGE 84 ANYKEY * * MESSAGE 85 ANYKEY MESSAGE 86 ANYKEY MESSAGE 87 ANYKEY MESSAGE 88 ANYKEY MESSAGE 89 ANYKEY * * MESSAGE 90 ANYKEY MESSAGE 91 ANYKEY MESSAGE 92 ANYKEY MESSAGE 93 ANYKEY MESSAGE 94 ANYKEY MESSAGE 95 ANYKEY MESSAGE 96 ANYKEY MESSAGE 97 ANYKEY MESSAGE 98 ANYKEY MESSAGE 99 ANYKEY * * MESSAGE 100 ANYKEY MESSAGE 101 ANYKEY MESSAGE 102 ANYKEY MESSAGE 103 ANYKEY MESSAGE 104 ANYKEY MESSAGE 105 ANYKEY MESSAGE 106 ANYKEY SET 80 SET 68 SET 65 GOTO 31 DESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 8 ----------- * * NOTCARR 10 PRESENT 10 DESTROY 10 * * NOTCARR 11 PRESENT 11 DESTROY 11 * * NOTCARR 13 PRESENT 13 DESTROY 13 * * DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 9 ----------- * * GOTO 77 * * DESTROY 17 DESTROY 11 DESTROY 12 DESTROY 17 DESTROY 20 DESTROY 21 * * CARRIED 13 PLACE 13 53 * * CARRIED 14 PLACE 14 53 * * CARRIED 15 PLACE 15 53 * * CARRIED 16 PLACE 16 53 * * CARRIED 18 PLACE 18 53 * * CARRIED 19 PLACE 19 53 * * CARRIED 21 PLACE 21 53 * * CARRIED 1 PLACE 1 53 * * CARRIED 2 PLACE 2 53 * * CARRIED 3 PLACE 3 53 * * DESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 10 ----------- * * AT 61 ZERO 109 LET 108 2 LET 110 3 LET 106 3 SET 109 * * ATGT 61 ZERO 110 ZERO 111 MESSAGE 194 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * AT 61 ZERO 105 ZERO 108 MESSAGE 194 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * AT 61 ZERO 106 MESSAGE 193 MESSAGE 194 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * ZERO 106 SET 107 * * ZERO 105 MINUS 108 1 * * NOTZERO 105 MINUS 106 1 * * NOTZERO 107 MINUS 110 1 * * ATGT 61 ZERO 112 NOTZERO 111 MESSAGE 201 ANYKEY MESSAGE 202 ANYKEY MESSAGE 203 ANYKEY MESSAGE 206 ANYKEY SET 112 DESC * * AT 62 ZERO 113 NOTZERO 116 ZERO 115 MINUS 114 1 * * ZERO 116 LET 114 2 SET 116 * * ZERO 114 ZERO 113 AT 62 ZERO 115 MESSAGE 196 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE * * AT 62 ZERO 111 NOTZERO 115 ZERO 110 MESSAGE 204 MESSAGE 194 MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY PROCESS 11 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 11 ----------- * * INK 0 PAPER 6 BORDER 6 CLS * * SYSMESS 81 * * SCORE TURNS END -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 12 ----------- * * GOTO 83 DESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 13 ----------- * * PRINTAT 1 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 2 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 3 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 3 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 4 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 5 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 6 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 7 15 SYSMESS 134 PRINTAT 8 15 SYSMESS 134 * * ZERO 62 ZERO 63 ZERO 64 ZERO 65 ZERO 66 ZERO 67 ZERO 68 ZERO 69 ZERO 76 DONE * * PRINTAT 0 0 SYSMESS 124 NOTZERO 62 PRINTAT 1 16 SYSMESS 125 * * NOTZERO 63 PRINTAT 2 16 SYSMESS 126 * * NOTZERO 76 PRINTAT 3 16 SYSMESS 133 * * NOTZERO 64 PRINTAT 4 16 SYSMESS 127 * * NOTZERO 65 PRINTAT 5 16 SYSMESS 128 * * NOTZERO 66 PRINTAT 6 16 SYSMESS 129 * * NOTZERO 67 PRINTAT 7 16 SYSMESS 130 * * NOTZERO 68 PRINTAT 8 16 SYSMESS 131 * * NOTZERO 69 PRINTAT 3 16 SYSMESS 132