PAW Database : FIRST.Z80 Extracted by UNPAWS v2.1 General data ------------ Locations 32 Objects 33 Messages 209 System messages 79 Processes 23 Character sets 2 Default character set 1 Default ink color 6 Default paper color 0 Default flash state 0 Default bright state 0 Default inverse state 0 Default over state 0 Default border color 0 Database version 17 Database compressed Snapshot type Z80 48K Basic48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary ---------- * 1 RESERVED S 2 Noun IT 2 Pronoun TO 2 Preposition AND 2 Conjunction THEM 2 Pronoun THEN 2 Conjunction SOUTH 2 Noun E 3 Noun EAST 3 Noun FROM 3 Preposition W 4 Noun IN 4 Preposition WEST 4 Noun INTO 4 Preposition N 5 Noun OUT 5 Preposition NORTH 5 Noun NW 6 Noun THROU 6 Preposition SE 7 Noun OVER 7 Preposition SW 8 Noun UNDER 8 Preposition NE 9 Noun BY 9 Preposition D 10 Noun ON 10 Preposition DOWN 10 Noun DESCE 10 Verb U 11 Noun UP 11 Noun OFF 11 Preposition ASCEN 11 Verb AT 12 Preposition EXCEP 13 Preposition I 14 Noun INVEN 14 Noun NORMA 14 Preposition WITH 15 Preposition ALL 20 Noun LOT 20 Noun GET 20 Verb TAKE 20 Verb EVERY 20 Noun PUT 21 Verb DROP 21 Verb REMOV 22 Verb WEAR 23 Verb R 24 Verb REDES 24 Verb QUIT 25 Verb SAVE 26 Verb LOAD 27 Verb RAMSA 28 Verb RAMLO 29 Verb SAY 31 Verb ASK 31 Verb TALK 31 Verb SPEAK 31 Verb PICS 32 Verb X 33 Verb EX 33 Verb EXA 33 Verb EXAM 33 Verb EXAMI 33 Verb LOOK 34 Verb WAIT 35 Verb SEARC 36 Verb OPEN 37 Verb TIDY 38 Verb MOVE 39 Verb STAND 40 Verb WIPE 41 Verb FLUSH 42 Verb PULL 43 Verb PUSH 44 Verb PRESS 45 Verb TWIST 46 Verb UNLOC 47 Verb CUT 48 Verb WATCH 49 Verb CROSS 50 Verb THROW 51 Verb BOARD 52 Verb CLIMB 53 Verb SMASH 54 Verb JUMP 55 Verb PICK 56 Verb RIDE 57 Verb GIVE 58 Verb HIRE 59 Verb TAPE 60 Noun HIDE 60 Verb STICK 60 Noun TEAR 61 Verb SCISS 61 Noun BURN 62 Verb DRESS 62 Noun SHOES 63 Noun TURNS 63 Verb SCORE 63 Verb MAKE 64 Noun MAKEU 64 Noun NAILF 65 Noun ROLL 67 Noun TOILE 67 Noun BALL 68 Noun STRIN 68 Noun OIL 69 Noun CAN 69 Noun TIGHT 70 Noun ONION 71 Noun KEY 72 Noun PLATE 73 Noun ROCK 74 Noun CAKE 74 Noun ROCKC 74 Noun MATCH 75 Noun HAT 76 Noun FLUFF 77 Noun MATER 77 Noun TOKEN 80 Noun NOTE 82 Noun CASH 83 Noun LOOSE 83 Noun MONEY 83 Noun ENVEL 85 Noun UNIFO 86 Noun MAILB 87 Noun LETTE 88 Noun GOLFB 89 Noun HANDB 90 Noun JUNK 91 Noun RUBBI 91 Noun CUPBO 92 Noun DESK 93 Noun BED 94 Noun TABLE 95 Noun TIE 96 Verb MIRRO 96 Noun STAIR 97 Noun UNTIE 97 Verb BATH 98 Noun WALL 99 Noun WALLS 99 Noun SINK 100 Noun BENCH 101 Noun GNOME 102 Noun FLOWE 103 Noun SHED 104 Noun SHACK 104 Noun OVEN 105 Noun SIGN 106 Noun SIDEB 107 Noun MAT 108 Noun SOFA 109 Noun TV 110 Noun SET 110 Noun WEED 111 Noun WEEDS 111 Noun GRASS 111 Noun LAMP 112 Noun POST 112 Noun LAMPO 112 Noun BUS 113 Noun STOP 113 Noun BIRDS 114 Noun SKYLI 115 Noun MAILS 116 Noun LOCK 117 Noun LOCKE 117 Noun SNAIL 118 Noun BOY 119 Noun GATE 120 Noun DOG 121 Noun BUSH 122 Noun BUSHE 122 Noun ROOM 123 Noun SCALE 124 Noun FACE 125 Noun DOOR 126 Noun HINGE 126 Noun CHAIN 127 Noun NOSE 128 Noun MOUTH 129 Noun ROAD 130 Noun SMALL 130 Adjective BIG 131 Adjective LARGE 131 Adjective DRAIN 131 Noun OLD 132 Adjective BIKE 132 Noun NEW 133 Adjective HARD 134 Adjective PIGEO 134 Noun HOLES 134 Noun SOFT 135 Adjective SHORT 136 Adjective LONG 137 Adjective QUICK 140 Adverb SLOWL 141 Adverb QUIET 142 Adverb LOUDL 143 Adverb CAREF 144 Adverb SOFTL 144 Adverb GENTL 144 Adverb _ 255 RESERVED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGES -------- Message 0 As I walk down the street I pass a bearded man strumming his guitar.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}This is the road to hell!{16}{6}{19}{0}" he sings.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Nah, mate.{16}{6}{19}{0}", I tell him, "{16}{4}{19}{1}This is Tinderbox Gardens.{16}{6}{19}{0}"^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Drat!{16}{6}{19}{0}" he says. "{16}{4}{19}{1}I must have taken the wrong flippin' turning off the motorway.{16}{6}{19}{0}" He stalks off angrily... Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 As seen on '{16}{5}{19}{1}Blue Peter{16}{6}{19}{0}'. Message 4 "{16}{4}{19}{1}You might need an adult to help you use them, kiddies.{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 5 It's a floral cretonne frock. Message 6 They're high-heeled and look difficult to walk in. Message 7 It consists of various lipsticks, blushers and mascara - you know the type of things. Message 8 It is small and made of metal. Message 9 It's lots of bits of tissue cunningly joined together around a cardboard tube. Message 10 There's nothing like a good old yarn! Message 11 It's just the obligatory can of oil! Message 12 They're brown and rather wrinkled. Message 13 They seem to be about 10 years old and have lost their smell. Message 14 It's a pair of tights full of onions. Message 15 It is small and rather ordinary. Message 16 Because of my family's low budget, what would usually be a bone china plate is a paper 'party' one. Message 17 It's a superb example of my mum's cooking. I have visions of us all sitting round the table to eat it with hammers and chisels. Message 18 It strikingly resembles a match. Message 19 It is a small, roundish piece of white rug. Message 20 It is bright {16}{2}{19}{1}red{16}{6}{19}{0}. Message 21 They are round tokens with small holes in the centre of them. Message 22 It's a short note which reads,^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Dear Scott,^{7} Please send one copy of your wonderful adventure Microfair Madness. I enclose 3 pounds (keep the change). Sorry about it being in cash - I don't know why everyone says it's not safe to send money through the post! It's not as if some nosey adventurer's going to nab it, is it?^{7} Best wishes,^{7} Arnold.{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 23 It's about 3 pounds in loose cash. I don't know, will people ever learn it's not safe to send money through the post? Message 24 On the front of it, it says -^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Delbert The Hamster Software,^{7} 9 Orchard Way,^{7} Flitwick,^{7} Beds,^{7} MK45 1LF{16}{6}{19}{0}". Message 25 It's just like the one 'Pat' wears. Message 26 It's rather brown and ordinary. Message 27 It's the vile, 'orrible letter I sent to Rosie. I must destroy it! Message 28 The golfbag is sort of oblong-shaped and was once brightly coloured but sadly the material faded so it's now a dull grey. It contains -^{7} Message 29 It's my Nan's handbag. She must have left it behind after one of her visits of terror! Message 30 It's full. Message 31 It consists of various bits of paper and old computer magazines. Nothing that can help me in my 'quest'. Message 32 I can't tell you how silly I feel when I apply the make-up. If the lads down at the pub saw me like this I'd die of embarrassment. Message 33 I move some of the rubbish to one side and find some 'sticky tape'... Message 34 I delve into the pile of junk again and find some scissors... Message 35 It's a typical one really. Message 36 It's covered in rubbish. Message 37 It is made of wood and has doors cleverly positioned on the front so that you can get into it. Message 38 I open the doors, root about inside for a bit, Message 39 My mum would kill me if I touched that! Message 40 It is a smart little dressing-table with built-in mirror. Message 41 Among the neatly ordered bottles and jars I find Message 42 Arrgh! What's that staring out?!... oh, it's me! Message 43 The cupboard has seen better days and it is in vital need of repair. However, it does work. Message 44 I can't - the cupboard door won't open as the hinges are rusty! Message 45 I open up the door and root about inside. I find an old golfbag... Message 46 They tend to creak a lot but serve their purpose. Message 47 Urrgh! No thanks - there might be a spider in it. Message 48 Listen, if you want to go shoving your hand in toilets - do it in your own time! Message 49 If you want THAT type of game, buy '{16}{3}{19}{1}Behind Closed Doors{16}{6}{19}{0}'. Message 50 There's not much of interest to an ardent adventurer in there. Message 51 Hanging up on the wall I find some onions in a pair of tights... Message 52 It is made of wood and is severly rotted away in places. Message 53 Searching round on the bench I find a small can of oil... Message 54 The gnome is the ugliest thing I'd seen until I ran into Gareth Pitchford at the 'Probe' convention. It has a huge nose Message 55 We tell all the neighbours that the flowers aren't dead - they're sunbathing! Message 56 It is badly built, but the door looks solid enough. Message 57 It's quite ordinary. Message 58 In the sink I find a plate... Message 59 It is scarred by decades of bad cooking. In fact, my mum doesn't use the oven timer any more, she just takes the stuff out when she can smell burning! Message 60 Inside the oven, I find a very large rock-cake... Message 61 It reads, "{16}{4}{19}{1}If you can't smell burning - we're having salad for dinner!{16}{6}{19}{0}". Message 62 It has the usual things on it. I can't see anything of use to me at the moment. Message 63 Down the side of the sideboard I find a match... Message 64 It is a small white fluffy mat and it's fifmly affixed to the floor. My mum's fed up with it moving all the time when we walked through! Message 65 Sofa - so good! Message 66 Besides the sofa I find a handbag... Message 67 I've no time for tele! Message 68 Don't bother with them! Message 69 Up the lamp-post I can see a man. He is singing a George Formby song! Strange!^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Hello there!{16}{6}{19}{0}" I say and he replies, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Hello, Comrade.{16}{6}{19}{0}"^{7}Hmmm... "{16}{4}{19}{1}Who are you?{16}{6}{19}{0}" I ask.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}I am a very great soviet leader!{16}{6}{19}{0}" he says.^{7}Oh! Now I see - He's Lenin on a lamp-post at the corner of the street! Message 70 A little notice informs me that the buses run on the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to. Being a seasoned traveller I totally ignore the sign - I mean, since when has a bus ever been on time? The best way to catch a bus is to wait for it. Message 71 A drain-pipe comes down from the roof here. Message 72 Urrgh!... Need I describe what's just happened?! Message 73 It is firmly closed from the inside. Message 74 It has been smashed open. Message 75 Below it, I can see the floor of the sorting office which has several mailsacks piled on it. Message 76 As they say '{16}{3}{19}{1}Royal Mail{16}{6}{19}{0}' on them, they're probably filled with mail. Message 77 I can't get into it! Message 78 I search in the mailsack and find a letter that, joy of joys, clanks... Message 79 The one nearest to me is marked, '{16}{3}{19}{1}Property of David Jones{16}{6}{19}{0}'. Message 80 In the locker I find a postman's uniform... Message 81 Just my little joke! Apologies to the wonderful postal staff! Message 82 He spits at you! Message 83 It's snarling! Message 84 It looks small enough to jump over! Message 85 Looks kinda like a lamp-post! Message 86 They are bushy...erm... bushes! Message 87 It's Message 88 ^{7}{19}{0} {16}{7}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}^{7} {17}{1}{19}{1}First Past The Post{17}{0}^{7} {19}{0}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149} Message 89 {16}{3}{19}{1}Written by Gareth Pitchford^{7} Programmed by 'The Spud' Message 90 No thanks! Who knows what low life lives in that damp, dark place? Message 91 That would require large bulldozers and several helpers! Message 92 Nope, there's nowt under there. Message 93 Wait a minute, I've found some bathroom scales. What are they doing here?... Message 94 They are talking bathroom scales. Message 95 The scales say, "{16}{4}{19}{1}One at a time please!{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 96 The scales say, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Please note. This is a no parking area!{16}{6}{19}{0}". Message 97 I don't intend to be insulted again!^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Come on.{16}{6}{19}{0}" says the scales. "{16}{4}{19}{1}Stand on me, I'll tell the truth - honest!{16}{6}{19}{0}". Ok... only once.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Boy, you're heavy, fatty!{16}{6}{19}{0}" laughs the scales. "{16}{4}{19}{1}..and gullible too.{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 98 I say to the scales, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Do you always insult people?{16}{6}{19}{0}".^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Listen.{16}{6}{19}{0}" reply the scales. "{16}{4}{19}{1}Here I am with a second-rate job in a computer game, trying to support a wife and three top pan balances and all you can do is shout!{16}{6}{19}{0}".^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Sorry.{16}{6}{19}{0}" I say.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Thanks, fatso!{16}{6}{19}{0}" says the scales. Message 99 It's batteries are flat - thank god! Message 100 If it's a door, just walk through it if you've got the right key! If not, then it's unopenable!!! Message 101 P.S. You may need to use 'OPEN' to reveal the contents of...say, a letter! Message 102 That's easier said than done! Message 103 I wipe off the disgusting make-up with some toilet tissue. Message 104 I oil the rusty hinges and the door now opens freely. Message 105 For those of you who don't possess sound FX facilities here is the written version of the chain flushing "{16}{4}{19}{1}eergushhhhhherrr^{7}rgussshhhheerrsisssssss...{16}{6}{19}{0}". Message 106 I pull the bench away from the wall. Behind it, I find a small ball of string... Message 107 I take the onions out of the tights. Message 108 As I push the walls they collapse outwards. This might not have been a bad idea, if it wasn't for the fact that I neglected to take the matter of the roof into consideration. The roof, with nothing to hold it up, falls victim to gravity and lands on my head... Message 109 I press the gnome's nose and it's mouth opens. Message 110 Inside the gnome's mouth I find a key... Message 111 Amazingly, the key opens the door. What luck, eh?^{7}Anyway, I walk into the shed... Message 112 The shed door is locked. Message 113 Clouds of smoke pour from the oven. Message 114 I cut a small chunk of material out of the mat with the scissors... Message 115 I balance the piece of material on my head - it looks like a wig. Message 116 The piece of fluffy material falls off my head... Message 117 The hat keeps the fluffy material in place. Message 118 I whip the hat off the rather bald gnome. Message 119 No way - I'd get too involved with all the cartoons and forget about my quest! Message 120 I cut some of the weeds with the scissors so that they are all the same size.^{7}I then go mad and cut the bushes into wierd and wonderful shapes. Finally, I get arrested due to the rather tasteless shape I pruned the next-door neighbours bush into... Message 121 Even the Green Cross Code man couldn't cross this road! Message 122 The dog won't let you past. Message 123 I throw the plate off to the west and the dog, thinking it to be a frisby, chases after it... Message 124 The dog returns and drops the plate at your feet... Message 125 I wait for a while... Message 126 ^{7}...and pretty soon the bus turns up! Message 127 The driver says, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Ere Ernie - you're not an OAP - get off my bus!{16}{6}{19}{0}" and throws me off... Message 128 The driver says, "{16}{4}{19}{1}I can't let you on without bus tokens, ^{7}love.{16}{6}{19}{0}"^{7}I angrily get off the bus... Message 129 My disguise is not quite right and the driver sees through it.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Hey Ernie,{16}{6}{19}{0}" he says as he pushes me off the bus. "{16}{4}{19}{1}Wait till I tell the lads down the pub about this!{16}{6}{19}{0}". I go home and die of embarrassment... Message 130 My disguise as an OAP is perfect and the bus driver suspects nothing as I hand him my tokens... Message 131 I sit on the bus for a while before getting off at the next stop... Message 132 Somehow I don't think high-heeled shoes were designed for climbing drain-pipes! Message 133 I can't carry a golfbag up the bloomin' drain-pipe! Message 134 In order to climb the drain-pipe I must drop any objects I may be carrying... Message 135 I sling the golfbag over my shoulder, and climb up the drain-pipe and onto the roof... Message 136 I attempt to throw it onto the roof but it rolls off and falls to the ground. Message 137 Don't be silly! Message 138 You've already done that, fool! Message 139 What with? Message 140 I smash the skylight with the rock causing shards of glass to fly everywhere. This, rather unsurprisingly, catches the attention of a member of the post office staff who alerts the police. The police don't seem to like my story too much... Message 141 Due to my amazingly brilliant idea of window 'taping' the glass doesn't fly everywhere and makes hardly any noise... Message 142 I cunningly 'tape' the window. Message 143 A sign on the door says, "{16}{3}{19}{1}Sorry. Nobody allowed in sorting office today!{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 144 I jump downwards through the broken skylight. Luckily the floor breaks my fall. Unluckily it breaks my legs also... Message 145 I jump onto the mailsacks and they break my fall... but not my legs! Message 146 I cut open the mailsack with the scissors. Message 147 Ooh, isn't this like Christmas! Inside the letter I find a note and some loose cash. Message 148 I unlock and open the locker. Message 149 The boy says, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Geroff my bike!{16}{6}{19}{0}" Message 150 Though not being the greatest conversationalist, the boy understands the importance of money and lets me hire the bike he was playing with.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}You can keep it!{16}{6}{19}{0}" he says.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Thanks.{16}{6}{19}{0}" I say.^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}That's alright. I nicked it anyway!{16}{6}{19}{0}"... Message 151 It's too heavy! Message 152 Why not ride it? Message 153 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman is here. Message 154 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman opens the gate of the house to the north and enters it. Message 155 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman is delivering letters to the house to the north. Message 156 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman enters from the north, and walks east. Message 157 Message 158 Off I pedal until I reach the street where Rosie lives. Discarding the bike, I walk along the road... Message 159 ^{7}{16}{5}The dog rushes out, snarling madly. Message 160 ^{7}{16}{5}The dog dives straight at the postman. Message 161 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman hurriedly opens the gate and runs south, followed by the dog. Message 162 I jump over the wall... Message 163 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman is here, being chased by a dog, and running east. Message 164 I tie the thread from one lamp-post to the other. Message 165 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman sees the string and steps over it muttering "{16}{4}{19}{1}Stupid kids!{16}{5}{19}{0}"... Message 166 Alright then! Message 167 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman enters here, running, and trips over the string.^{7}He crashes to the floor and his mailbag falls on the ground near me.^{7}A large dog bounds up, licks the postman's face, then leaves... Message 168 Inside is the letter I sent to Rosie... Message 169 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman is lying on the floor here. Message 170 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman gets to his feet. Message 171 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman picks up his bag and continues on his round. Message 172 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman grabs his mailbag, and the letter, and continues on his round. Message 173 I hide in the bushes. The postman enters and looks around. Luckily he can't see me! "{16}{4}{19}{1}Drat!{16}{6}{19}{0}" he says and leaves. When he's gone I get out of the bushes... Message 174 I need some way of destroying it completely! Message 175 I destroy the letter. Message 176 I can't face Rosie yet! I haven't completed my quest! Message 177 {16}{7}{19}{1}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}^{7} {17}{2}Well Done!{17}{0}^{7} {149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}^{7}^{7}{16}{5}I've managed to stop the letter from reaching my loved one.^{7}^{7}The engagement is back on!^{7}^{7}^{7}{16}{6}Look out for the sequel to this game, coming soon from DTHS and called "{16}{4}Get Me To The Church On Time{16}{6}". Message 178 {16}{6}{19}{1}Congratulations on completing^{7}"{16}{4}First Past The Post!{16}{6}{19}{0}"^{7}^{7} Message 179 The evil minions of the Post Office have succeeded and you've failed to guide Ernie successfully... Message 180 I enter Rosie's house... Message 181 Ernie Spludge is in trouble. No, it's not his name he's bothered about! He's in trouble because yesterday he had an argument with his fiancee Rosie Cheeques in which they both ended up calling each other rude names etc. To cut a long story short, they broke off the engagement and Ernie went home in a huff.^{7} Message 182 Though not normally one to lose his temper Ernie was angry. So angry that he wrote a vile, horrible letter to Rosie telling her exactly what he thought of her! He posted it that very evening.^{7} Message 183 In the cold hours of the morning Ernie realized he had been wrong. In fact, Rosie rang up telling him she'd had no sleep either and would he forgive her? Ernie did, and the engagement is back on.^{7} Message 184 Now if you're as slow as Ernie, you may only now be remembering the letter. Rosie will be getting that letter in the post this evening! When she reads it she'll call the wedding off again!. There is no way she'd marry him after reading it!^{7} Message 185 There is only one thing to do. If he wants to stay engaged to Rosie, he must stop that letter... Message 186 Message 187 There's no need. The bus is here! Message 188 You wait for the bus... Message 189 One of the snails moves with lightning speed to throw me out, because members of the public are not allowed in the sorting office. It's '{16}{3}{19}{1}snails only{16}{6}{19}{0}' territory!... Message 190 As I grab hold of it, an old voice croaks, "{16}{4}{19}{1}Leave that alone, Ernie!{16}{6}{19}{0}". The wrinkled person that enters is none other than my Nan, who must have come to get her handbag. Message 191 "{16}{4}{19}{1}You don't look well!{16}{6}{19}{0}" she informs me, "{16}{4}{19}{1}It's too much chocolate, you know!{16}{6}{19}{0}".^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}More like too much of Mum's cooking!{16}{6}{19}{0}" I think to myself.^{7}My nan grabs her handbag off me and leaves the room, pausing only to hit me with the aforementioned bag. Message 192 "{16}{4}{19}{1}Don't let me catch you messing about with my bag again.{16}{6}{19}{0}" she says, "{16}{4}{19}{1}You're not too old to get a smacked bottom, you know!{16}{6}{19}{0}"^{7}I watch her leave. Now, was it my imagination, or did I see something drop out of her bag?... Message 193 There's no way I can get to Crabworth Street in time if I walk! Message 194 I remove the shoes before taking off the tights. Message 195 I remove the shoes to put on the tights, then put the shoes back on. Message 196 I'm wearing a hat! Message 197 I remove the hat, then the fluffy material. Message 198 I take everything out of the golfbag. Message 199 Not now! Message 200 Nothing too scintillating about that! Message 201 I glance at the pigeon holes that the snails are stuffing envelopes in. Each road has its own hole and I glance along the names looking for Crabworth Street, the road where Rosie lives. I find it quite easily but (horror of horrors!), it's empty - the postman must have already started on his round! Message 202 I see no need to as the letter isn't here! Message 203 ^{7}The bus driver gets sick of waiting and drives off! Message 204 ^{7}{16}{5}The postman grabs his mailbag and continues on his round. Message 205 You see how far up you are, so decide not to! Message 206 I stuff all my other clothes into the locker, then put on the uniform. Message 207 Not now I've got my smart uniform on! Message 208 YOu haven't go time for that! I'd hide from the postman first! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM MESSAGES --------------- System Message 0 TIME - System Message 1 ^{7}{16}{4}I also spot... System Message 2 ^{7}{16}{5}What now?^{7} System Message 3 ^{7}{16}{5}What next?^{7} System Message 4 ^{7}{16}{5}What should I do now?^{7} System Message 5 ^{7}{16}{5}What should I do next?^{7} System Message 6 Sorry. No can do!^{7} System Message 7 I can't go that way!^{7} System Message 8 Maybe, but not now!^{7} System Message 9 {16}{4}I have with me: System Message 10 {16}{7}{19}{1}(worn) System Message 11 {16}{7}{19}{1}Nothing at all.^{7} System Message 12 Are you sure?^{7} System Message 13 ^{7}Would you like another go?^{7} System Message 14 1991 DTHS...^{7} System Message 15 OK.^{7} System Message 16 ^{7} {16}{4}{19}{1}{147}{146}^{7} System Message 17 You have taken System Message 18 turn System Message 19 s System Message 20 .^{7} System Message 21 You have scored System Message 22 out of 50.^{7} System Message 23 I'm not wearing one of those.^{7} System Message 24 I can't. I'm wearing the _.^{7} System Message 25 I already have the _.^{7} System Message 26 There isn't one of those here.^{7} System Message 27 I can't carry any more things.^{7} System Message 28 I don't have one of those.^{7} System Message 29 I'm already wearing the _.^{7} System Message 30 Y System Message 31 N System Message 32 ^{7}More... System Message 33 {17}{7}{16}{1}{144}{17}{0}{16}{7} System Message 34 {17}{7}{16}{1}{145}{17}{0}{16}{7} System Message 35 I stand doing nothing as time rushes by... System Message 36 I now have the _.^{7} System Message 37 I'm now wearing the _.^{7} System Message 38 I've removed the _.^{7} System Message 39 I've dropped the _.^{7} System Message 40 I can't wear the _.^{7} System Message 41 I can't remove the _.^{7} System Message 42 I can't remove the _. My hands are full.^{7} System Message 43 The _ weighs too much for me.^{7} System Message 44 The _ is in the System Message 45 The _ isn't in the System Message 46 , System Message 47 and System Message 48 .^{7} System Message 49 I don't have the _.^{7} System Message 50 I'm not wearing the _.^{7} System Message 51 .^{7} System Message 52 There isn't one of those in the System Message 53 {16}{7}{19}{1}Nothing.^{7} System Message 54 Type in name of file:^{7} System Message 55 {17}{2}{16}{2}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{143}{17}{0} System Message 56 : System Message 57 {16}{7}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}^{7} System Message 58 {16}{7}A battered old bench lies against one of the walls. System Message 59 {16}{7}A battered old bench has been pulled slightly away from the wall here. System Message 60 {16}{7}The door out is to the east. System Message 61 playing around on his bike System Message 62 . I can go west, back into the sorting office, or east out of the back gate. System Message 63 , behind which is a large, snarling dog System Message 64 . While behind is the main gate. System Message 65 and find a dress... System Message 66 and find some shoes... System Message 67 some make-up... System Message 68 a nailfile... System Message 69 and is wearing a red hat System Message 70 . I call it 'Ingrid' for obvious reasons! System Message 71 open. System Message 72 closed. System Message 73 {16}{7}{19}{1}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}{148}^{7} {17}{3}GAME OVER{17}{0}^{7} {149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}{149}^{7} System Message 74 A large dog is sitting on the kerb here. System Message 75 A large bus is present. System Message 76 Some vandal has smashed the skylight. System Message 77 A piece of string is tied across the street from one lamp-post to the other. System Message 78 I put everything in the golfbag.^{7} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATIONS --------- Location 0 ^{7} {16}{4}{19}{1} 1991 D.T.H.S. Presents... Location 1 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am standing in my rather untidy bedroom. Junk lies stewn 'tidily' on the desk in my unique filing system. Other things like a bed and cupboards can be vaguely seen underneath the mounds of rubbish. The bedroom door leads out to the south. Location 2 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am in my parents' room. It is a striking contrast to my own rather dirty 'sleeping quarters' and is actually the only tidy room in the house due to the fact that it's the one my mum cleans even when it's Dad's turn to clean up. Everything appears to have it's own little resting place in the room and even the polished cupboard and table seem to stand to attention. The door leads southwest. Location 3 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the spare room. It is reserved for the use of visitors! However, no one ever seems to come to stay and it's been long disused, and now it's virtually empty. Even the creaky old bed has gone, meaning that only a battered old cupboard remains. The landing is to the east. Location 4 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am standing on the landing. This basically consists of a small strip of carpeted floor. The only really interesting things about this room are the doors which lie to the east, west, north and northeast. The hall is visible, down some stairs. Location 5 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the bathroom. There's not much room in here! The cramped confines make it possible to not only go to the loo but also wash my hands in the sink and my feet in the bath at the same time. The landing is a small step away to the west. Location 6 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the shed. How the walls manage to stay upright I do not know, as they give the impression of staggering under the weight of the roof. Location 7 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am standing in the rather small confines of our back garden. A large gnome sits amidst the various flowers which lie dead on their backs. To the west stands an old shack which may not look much to you but it's 'shed' to me. The main house is to the east. Location 8 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the luxury kitchen of the house. When I say 'luxury', I mean that it has a sink, a sideboard and an oven but not much else. The faint smell of burning indicates my mum's been trying to cook again. The hall lies to the east while the back door leads out to the west. A small sign hangs above the oven. Location 9 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}A white mat covers the floor of the small room dubbed as the 'hallway'. Doorways lead both east and west, while to the south is the main door and some stairs lead upwards to the landing. Location 10 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the living-room. From the state of things you would be excused if you wondered just exactly what had been living in here - a pig or an elephant perhaps? This unusual state is due entirely to the fact that it's my father's 'turn' to clean the house this week. A dirty old sofa and a battered TV set are the only objects worth mentioning in the room. Location 11 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am on the doorstep of the house. The main door is in front of me, to the north. Beside the door is a small brass plaque which reads,^{7} "{16}{4}{19}{1}54 Tinderbox Gardens,^{7} Residence of the 'Spludges'{16}{7}{19}{0}"^{7}^{7}To the south is the front garden. Location 12 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}The front garden is in an even worse state than the back one. Weeds and overgrown grass spring up everywhere. Basically we've found that the easiest way to stop the neighbours complaining is to tell them we've started a 'nature garden' to preserve 'England's natural wildlife'. To the north is the house, while to the south, through the gate, lies the main road. Location 13 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is "Tinderbox Gardens", a suitably inapt name given to a road that resembles the M52. Most of the passing traffic here seems to be minus one important feature that manufacturers usually add to cars - brakes! This does nothing to alter the fact that to the north lies the garden while to the east is a bus-stop. Location 14 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I now find myself at the bus-stop and I make passing conversation, such as,^{7}"{16}{4}{19}{1}Do you come here often?{16}{7}{19}{0}". The lamp-post I'm talking to seems unimpressed by my conversational skills and so I restrict myself to waiting for a bus. Location 15 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I stand outside the entrance to 'Scumsville General Post Sorting Office'. It's bleak grey walls would form a blot on the landscape in any other town but all the buildings in Scumsville are like this. The main door lies to the east. Location 16 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the sorting office reception area. It basically consists of an empty room. To the west lies the main door while to the east is a small room. Location 17 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am standing on the roof of the sorting office. It has got to be the most imaginatively painted roof in 'Scumsville', though the creators are the many birds which fly above. The roof slopes down to the east. Location 18 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}A skylight set in the roof here, provides some light to the sorting office below. Location 19 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This small room is filled with mailsacks. To the east lies the main part of the sorting office which is not for 'Unauthorized Personnel', according to the sign. There's also a skylight in the roof here, while to the south and west there are doors. Location 20 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am in the staff locker room. The room is not surprisingly full of lockers. The exit lies to the north. Location 21 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is the main sorting room of the 'Scumsville' post office. Around me I can see various snails diligently, if rather slowly, sorting through all the mail. So that's why it takes so long! Exits lie to the east and west. Location 22 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am at the back door of the sorting office. It leads out to a yard to the east. The main part of the office is back to the west. Location 23 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am in a small yard behind the post office. There is a small boy here Location 24 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}This is 'Crabworth Street', the home of my beloved Rosie. The road continues east. Location 25 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}Various houses are dotted about here in 'Crabworth Street'. They're not much to look at, but then nothing is in 'Scumsville'! Location 26 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am in the garden of a large house. To my right, is a small gate Location 27 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}At this point on 'Crabworth Street' I can see a huge, mansion-like house, to the north. Location 28 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}Two lamp-posts provide dim light here in the street on this cold, bleak morning. They might, of course, provide some more light if they had bulbs in! To the east and west the road continues. Location 29 ^{7}^{7}{16}{7}I am outside my beloved Rosie's house, which lies to the north. The road looks almost attractive, with all it's green bushes and shrubs. The road stops here, but I can go back to the west if I wish. Location 30 Location 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTIONS ----------- Location 1: S 4 Location 2: SW 4 Location 3: E 4 Location 4: N 1 NE 2 W 3 E 5 DESCE 9 Location 5: W 4 Location 6: E 7 Location 7: W 6 E 8 Location 8: E 9 W 7 Location 9: ASCEN 4 E 10 W 8 S 11 Location 10: W 9 Location 11: N 9 S 12 Location 12: S 13 N 11 Location 13: N 12 E 14 Location 14: W 13 Location 17: E 18 Location 18: W 17 Location 19: E 21 S 20 Location 20: N 19 Location 21: W 19 E 22 Location 22: E 23 W 21 Location 23: W 22 Location 24: E 25 Location 25: E 27 W 24 Location 26: S 27 Location 27: N 26 W 25 E 28 Location 28: W 27 E 29 Location 29: W 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT NAMES ------------ Object 0 Object 1 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some sticky tape. Object 2 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some scissors. Object 3 {16}{7}{19}{1}A dress. Object 4 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some shoes. Object 5 {16}{7}{16}{7}{19}{1}Some make-up. Object 6 {16}{7}{19}{1}A nailfile. Object 7 {16}{7}{19}{1}A toilet roll. Object 8 {16}{7}{19}{1}A ball of string. Object 9 {16}{7}{19}{1}An oil can. Object 10 {16}{7}{19}{1}A pair of tights. Object 11 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some onions. Object 12 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some tights filled with onions! Object 13 {19}{1}{16}{7}A small key. Object 14 {19}{1}{16}{7}A plate. Object 15 {19}{1}{16}{7}A rock-cake. Object 16 {19}{1}{16}{7}A match. Object 17 {19}{1}{16}{7}Some fluffy material. Object 18 {19}{1}{16}{7}A hat. Object 19 {19}{1}{16}{7}SOme bus tokens. Object 20 {19}{1}{16}{7}A note. Object 21 {19}{1}{16}{7}Some loose cash. Object 22 {16}{7}{19}{1}An envelope. Object 23 {19}{1}{16}{7}A postman's uniform. Object 24 {16}{7}{19}{1}A mailbag. Object 25 {19}{1}{16}{7}A letter. Object 26 {16}{7}{19}{1}A bike. Object 27 Object 28 {16}{7}{19}{1}Some scales. Object 29 Object 30 {16}{7}{19}{1}A golfbag. Object 31 {16}{7}{19}{1}A handbag. Object 32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT WORDS ------------ Object 0 _ _ Object 1 TAPE 60 _ Object 2 SCISS 61 _ Object 3 DRESS 62 _ Object 4 SHOES 63 _ Object 5 MAKE 64 _ Object 6 NAILF 65 _ Object 7 ROLL 67 _ Object 8 BALL 68 _ Object 9 OIL 69 _ Object 10 TIGHT 70 _ Object 11 ONION 71 _ Object 12 TIGHT 70 _ Object 13 KEY 72 SMALL 130 Object 14 PLATE 73 _ Object 15 ROCK 74 _ Object 16 MATCH 75 _ Object 17 FLUFF 77 _ Object 18 HAT 76 _ Object 19 TOKEN 80 _ Object 20 NOTE 82 _ Object 21 CASH 83 _ Object 22 ENVEL 85 _ Object 23 UNIFO 86 _ Object 24 MAILB 87 _ Object 25 LETTE 88 _ Object 26 _ _ Object 27 _ _ Object 28 SCALE 124 _ Object 29 _ _ Object 30 GOLFB 89 _ Object 31 HANDB 90 _ Object 32 _ _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIALLY AT ------------ Object 0 NC Object 1 NC Object 2 NC Object 3 NC Object 4 NC Object 5 NC Object 6 NC Object 7 5 Object 8 NC Object 9 NC Object 10 NC Object 11 NC Object 12 NC Object 13 NC Object 14 NC Object 15 NC Object 16 NC Object 17 NC Object 18 NC Object 19 NC Object 20 NC Object 21 NC Object 22 NC Object 23 NC Object 24 NC Object 25 NC Object 26 NC Object 27 NC Object 28 5 Object 29 NC Object 30 NC Object 31 NC Object 32 NC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT WEIGHT AND TYPE ---------------------- Object 0: weights 1 Object 1: weights 1 Object 2: weights 1 Object 3: weights 0 W Object 4: weights 0 W Object 5: weights 1 Object 6: weights 1 Object 7: weights 1 Object 8: weights 1 Object 9: weights 1 Object 10: weights 0 W Object 11: weights 1 Object 12: weights 1 Object 13: weights 1 Object 14: weights 1 Object 15: weights 1 Object 16: weights 1 Object 17: weights 0 W Object 18: weights 0 W Object 19: weights 1 Object 20: weights 1 Object 21: weights 1 Object 22: weights 1 Object 23: weights 0 W Object 24: weights 1 Object 25: weights 1 Object 26: weights 1 Object 27: weights 1 Object 28: weights 1 Object 29: weights 1 Object 30: weights 0 C W Object 31: weights 0 C W Object 32: weights 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPONSE TABLE -------------- * TAPE NOUN2 115 AT 18 CARRIED 1 ZERO 94 SET 94 MESSAGE 142 DONE * OIL NOUN2 92 AT 3 CARRIED 9 ZERO 69 SET 69 MESSAGE 104 DONE * OIL NOUN2 126 AT 3 CARRIED 9 ZERO 69 SET 69 MESSAGE 104 DONE E * AT 15 MESSAGE 143 DONE E * AT 23 MESSAGE 193 DONE E _ AT 13 NOTZERO 92 ZERO 61 SET 61 CLS MESSAGE 0 ANYKEY GOTO 14 DESC E _ AT 13 ZERO 92 MESSAGE 122 DONE W _ AT 7 ZERO 88 NOTCARR 13 MESSAGE 112 DONE W _ AT 7 ZERO 88 CARRIED 13 SET 88 MESSAGE 111 ANYKEY GOTO 6 DESC N * AT 29 ZERO 101 MESSAGE 176 DONE N * AT 29 NOTZERO 101 MESSAGE 180 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 177 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 178 LET 30 50 TURNS SCORE END DESCE * AT 18 NOTZERO 94 MESSAGE 144 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 DONE DESCE * AT 17 MESSAGE 205 DONE I _ INVEN GET * WHATO EQ 54 30 PRESENT 30 AUTOT 30 MINUS 65 1 DONE GET I INVEN GET ALL DOALL 255 GET ONION CARRIED 12 SWAP 12 11 PLACE 10 254 MESSAGE 107 DONE GET HAT AT 7 ZERO 73 SET 73 MESSAGE 118 PLACE 18 254 DONE GET HANDB AT 10 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 190 ANYKEY NEWLINE MESSAGE 191 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 192 ANYKEY DESTROY 31 CREATE 19 DESC GET BIKE AT 23 PRESENT 26 MESSAGE 151 DONE GET BIKE AT 23 ZERO 62 MESSAGE 149 DONE GET _ AUTOG ANYKEY DESC PUT * PREP 4 NOUN2 89 LT 65 10 PRESENT 30 AUTOP 30 PLUS 65 1 DONE PUT * PREP 4 NOUN2 89 PRESENT 30 MESSAGE 30 DONE PUT ALL DOALL 254 PUT _ AUTOD ANYKEY DESC REMOV ALL DOALL 253 REMOV MAKE WORN 5 CARRIED 7 DESTROY 5 MESSAGE 103 DONE REMOV MAKE NOTCARR 7 MESSAGE 102 DONE REMOV TIGHT WORN 10 WORN 4 MESSAGE 194 PLACE 10 254 PLACE 4 254 DONE REMOV ONION CARRIED 12 MESSAGE 107 SWAP 12 11 PLACE 10 254 PLUS 30 1 DONE REMOV FLUFF PROCESS 19 DONE REMOV _ AUTOR DONE WEAR * WORN 23 MESSAGE 207 DONE WEAR ALL DOALL 254 WEAR MAKE PRESENT 5 MESSAGE 32 PLACE 5 253 DONE WEAR TIGHT CARRIED 10 WORN 4 MESSAGE 195 PLACE 10 253 DONE WEAR HAT WORN 17 CARRIED 18 ZERO 91 SET 91 MESSAGE 117 PLACE 18 253 DONE WEAR FLUFF CARRIED 17 NOTWORN 18 PLACE 17 253 MESSAGE 115 LET 90 3 DONE WEAR FLUFF CARRIED 17 WORN 18 MESSAGE 196 DONE WEAR UNIFO PRESENT 23 ZERO 166 SET 166 PLACE 23 253 PROCESS 22 DONE WEAR _ AUTOW DONE R _ DESC QUIT _ QUIT TURNS END SAVE _ SAVE LOAD _ LOAD RAMSA _ RAMSAVE BEEP 35 120 DESC RAMLO _ RAMLOAD 255 BEEP 35 140 DESC SAY BOY AT 23 MESSAGE 82 DONE PICS _ PREP 14 GRAPHIC 0 OK PICS _ PREP 11 GRAPHIC 1 OK PICS _ PREP 10 GRAPHIC 2 OK X TAPE PRESENT 1 MESSAGE 3 DONE X SCISS PRESENT 2 MESSAGE 4 DONE X DRESS PRESENT 3 MESSAGE 5 DONE X SHOES PRESENT 4 MESSAGE 6 DONE X MAKE PRESENT 5 MESSAGE 7 DONE X NAILF PRESENT 6 MESSAGE 8 DONE X ROLL PRESENT 7 MESSAGE 9 DONE X ROLL AT 5 MESSAGE 49 DONE X BALL PRESENT 8 MESSAGE 10 DONE X OIL PRESENT 9 MESSAGE 11 X TIGHT PRESENT 10 MESSAGE 12 DONE X TIGHT PRESENT 12 MESSAGE 14 DONE X ONION PRESENT 11 MESSAGE 13 DONE X KEY PRESENT 13 MESSAGE 15 DONE X PLATE PRESENT 14 MESSAGE 16 DONE X ROCK PRESENT 15 MESSAGE 17 DONE X MATCH PRESENT 16 MESSAGE 18 DONE X HAT PRESENT 18 MESSAGE 20 DONE X FLUFF PRESENT 17 MESSAGE 19 DONE X TOKEN PRESENT 19 MESSAGE 21 DONE X NOTE PRESENT 20 MESSAGE 22 DONE X CASH PRESENT 21 MESSAGE 23 DONE X ENVEL PRESENT 22 MESSAGE 24 DONE X UNIFO PRESENT 23 MESSAGE 25 DONE X MAILB PRESENT 24 MESSAGE 26 DONE X LETTE PRESENT 25 MESSAGE 27 DONE X GOLFB PRESENT 30 MESSAGE 28 LISTAT 30 DONE X HANDB PRESENT 31 MESSAGE 29 DONE X JUNK AT 1 MESSAGE 31 DONE X CUPBO AT 1 MESSAGE 35 DONE X CUPBO AT 1 MESSAGE 35 DONE X CUPBO AT 2 MESSAGE 37 DONE X CUPBO AT 2 MESSAGE 39 DONE X CUPBO AT 3 MESSAGE 43 DONE X DESK AT 1 MESSAGE 36 DONE X BED PREP 8 AT 1 MESSAGE 90 DONE X BED AT 1 MESSAGE 35 DONE X BED PREP 8 AT 2 MESSAGE 92 ZERO 83 SET 83 ANYKEY NEWLINE MESSAGE 93 ANYKEY CREATE 28 DESC X BED PREP 8 AT 2 DONE X BED AT 2 MESSAGE 39 DONE X TABLE AT 2 MESSAGE 40 DONE X MIRRO AT 2 MESSAGE 42 DONE X STAIR AT 4 MESSAGE 46 DONE X BATH AT 5 MESSAGE 47 DONE X WALL AT 6 ZERO 71 SET 71 MESSAGE 51 CREATE 12 ANYKEY DESC X WALL AT 15 MESSAGE 71 DONE X WALL AT 26 MESSAGE 84 DONE X SINK AT 5 MESSAGE 50 DONE X SINK AT 8 MESSAGE 57 DONE X BENCH AT 6 MESSAGE 52 DONE X GNOME AT 7 MES 54 X GNOME AT 7 ZERO 73 SYSMESS 69 X GNOME AT 7 SYSMESS 70 NEWLINE DONE X FLOWE AT 7 MESSAGE 55 DONE X SHED AT 7 MESSAGE 56 DONE X OVEN AT 8 MESSAGE 59 DONE X SIGN AT 8 MESSAGE 61 DONE X SIDEB AT 8 MESSAGE 62 DONE X MAT AT 9 MESSAGE 64 DONE X SOFA AT 10 MESSAGE 65 DONE X TV AT 10 MESSAGE 67 DONE X WEED AT 12 MESSAGE 68 DONE X LAMP AT 14 MESSAGE 69 DONE X LAMP AT 28 MESSAGE 85 DONE X BUS AT 14 MESSAGE 70 DONE X BIRDS AT 17 MESSAGE 72 DONE X SKYLI AT 18 MES 73 X SKYLI AT 18 NOTZERO 77 MES 74 X SKYLI AT 18 MESSAGE 75 DONE X MAILS AT 19 MESSAGE 76 DONE X LOCK AT 20 MESSAGE 79 DONE X SNAIL AT 21 MESSAGE 81 DONE X BOY AT 23 MESSAGE 82 DONE X GATE AT 26 MES 87 X GATE AT 26 ZERO 82 SYSMESS 72 X GATE AT 26 NOTZERO 82 SYSMESS 71 X GATE AT 26 NEWLINE DONE X DOG AT 26 MESSAGE 83 DONE X BUSH AT 29 MESSAGE 86 DONE X SCALE PRESENT 28 MESSAGE 94 DONE X MOUTH AT 7 ZERO 87 NOTZERO 86 SET 87 MESSAGE 110 ANYKEY CREATE 13 PLUS 30 2 DESC X PIGEO AT 21 MESSAGE 202 DONE X _ MESSAGE 200 DONE LOOK BED PREP 8 AT 1 MESSAGE 90 DONE LOOK BED PREP 8 AT 2 MESSAGE 92 ZERO 83 SET 83 ANYKEY NEWLINE MESSAGE 93 CREATE 28 ANYKEY DESC LOOK BED PREP 8 AT 2 DONE WAIT * NOTAT 14 SYSMESS 35 NEWLINE PAUSE 100 PLUS 132 5 PROCESS 17 DONE WAIT * AT 14 ZERO 115 MESSAGE 125 PAUSE 100 MESSAGE 126 LET 115 10 DONE SEARC ROLL AT 5 MESSAGE 48 DONE SEARC MAILB CARRIED 24 EQ 99 255 ZERO 100 MESSAGE 168 ANYKEY PLACE 25 254 SET 100 DESC SEARC MAILB CARRIED 24 MESSAGE 208 DONE SEARC HANDB CARRIED 31 ZERO 102 SET 102 MESSAGE 186 ANYKEY CREATE 19 PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC JUNK AT 1 ZERO 66 LET 66 1 MESSAGE 33 CREATE 1 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC JUNK EQ 66 1 SET 66 MESSAGE 34 CREATE 2 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC CUPBO AT 2 ZERO 67 LET 67 1 MES 38 SYSMESS 65 ANYKEY CREATE 3 PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC CUPBO AT 2 EQ 67 1 SET 67 MES 38 SYSMESS 66 CREATE 4 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC CUPBO AT 3 ZERO 69 MESSAGE 44 DONE SEARC CUPBO AT 3 NOTZERO 69 ZERO 70 SET 70 MESSAGE 45 CREATE 30 ANYKEY PLUS 30 2 DESC SEARC TABLE AT 2 ZERO 68 LET 68 1 MES 41 SYSMESS 67 ANYKEY CREATE 5 PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC TABLE AT 2 EQ 68 1 MES 41 SYSMESS 68 CREATE 6 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC BATH AT 5 MESSAGE 47 DONE SEARC SINK AT 5 MESSAGE 50 DONE SEARC SINK AT 8 ZERO 74 SET 74 MESSAGE 58 CREATE 14 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC BENCH AT 6 ZERO 72 MESSAGE 53 CREATE 9 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC OVEN AT 8 ZERO 175 SET 175 CREATE 15 MESSAGE 60 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC SIDEB AT 8 ZERO 75 SET 75 CREATE 16 MESSAGE 63 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC SOFA AT 10 ZERO 76 SET 76 MESSAGE 66 CREATE 31 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC SEARC MAILS AT 19 ZERO 78 MESSAGE 77 DONE SEARC MAILS AT 19 NOTZERO 78 ZERO 79 MESSAGE 78 CREATE 22 SET 79 ANYKEY DESC SEARC LOCK AT 20 NOTZERO 80 ZERO 81 SET 81 MESSAGE 80 CREATE 23 ANYKEY PLUS 30 2 DESC SEARC MOUTH AT 7 NOTZERO 86 ZERO 87 SET 87 MESSAGE 110 ANYKEY CREATE 13 PLUS 30 2 DESC SEARC _ MESSAGE 199 DONE OPEN ENVEL CARRIED 22 SWAP 20 22 PLACE 21 254 MESSAGE 147 ZERO 105 SET 105 PLUS 30 2 DONE OPEN ENVEL CARRIED 20 DONE OPEN OVEN AT 8 MESSAGE 113 DONE OPEN GATE AT 26 PROCESS 13 DONE OPEN _ MESSAGE 100 MESSAGE 101 DONE TIDY JUNK AT 1 MESSAGE 91 DONE TIDY ROOM AT 1 MESSAGE 91 DONE MOVE JUNK AT 1 MESSAGE 91 DONE STAND SCALE PRESENT 28 ZERO 84 LET 84 1 MESSAGE 95 DONE STAND SCALE PRESENT 28 EQ 84 1 MESSAGE 96 LET 84 2 DONE STAND SCALE PRESENT 28 EQ 84 2 LET 84 3 MESSAGE 97 DONE STAND SCALE PRESENT 28 EQ 84 3 SET 84 MESSAGE 98 DONE STAND SCALE PRESENT 28 NOTZERO 84 MESSAGE 99 DONE WIPE MAKE WORN 5 CARRIED 7 MESSAGE 103 DESTROY 5 DONE WIPE FACE CARRIED 7 WORN 5 MESSAGE 103 DESTROY 5 DONE FLUSH ROLL AT 5 MESSAGE 105 DONE FLUSH CHAIN AT 5 MESSAGE 105 DONE PULL BENCH AT 6 ZERO 60 SET 60 MESSAGE 106 CREATE 8 ANYKEY PLUS 30 2 DESC PULL CHAIN AT 5 MESSAGE 105 DONE PULL NOSE AT 7 ZERO 86 SET 86 MESSAGE 109 DONE PUSH WALL AT 6 MESSAGE 108 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 DONE PUSH BIKE AT 23 PRESENT 26 MESSAGE 152 DONE PRESS NOSE AT 7 ZERO 86 SET 86 MESSAGE 109 DONE TWIST NOSE AT 7 ZERO 86 SET 86 MESSAGE 109 DONE UNLOC LOCK PREP 15 NOUN2 65 AT 20 CARRIED 6 ZERO 80 SET 80 MESSAGE 148 DONE UNLOC LOCK AT 20 MESSAGE 139 DONE UNLOC _ MESSAGE 100 MESSAGE 101 DONE CUT MAT CARRIED 2 AT 9 ZERO 89 MESSAGE 114 SET 89 CREATE 17 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC CUT WEED AT 12 CARRIED 2 MESSAGE 120 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 CUT MAILS AT 19 ZERO 78 CARRIED 2 SET 78 MESSAGE 146 DONE WATCH TV AT 10 MESSAGE 119 DONE CROSS ROAD AT 13 MESSAGE 121 DONE THROW * AT 15 WHATO EQ 54 254 PUTO 15 MESSAGE 136 DONE THROW * NOTAT 13 MESSAGE 137 DONE THROW PLATE CARRIED 14 AT 13 LET 92 2 MESSAGE 123 ANYKEY DESTROY 14 ZERO 103 SET 103 PLUS 30 1 DESC THROW PLATE AT 13 DESC BOARD * AT 14 NOTZERO 115 PROCESS 6 DONE CLIMB * AT 15 WORN 4 MESSAGE 132 DONE CLIMB * AT 15 PRESENT 30 PLACE 30 253 MESSAGE 134 ANYKEY CLS PROCESS 7 MESSAGE 135 ANYKEY GOTO 17 PLUS 30 2 DESC SMASH SKYLI AT 18 NOTZERO 77 MESSAGE 138 DONE SMASH SKYLI PREP 15 NOUN2 74 AT 18 CARRIED 15 ZERO 77 ZERO 94 MESSAGE 140 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 DONE SMASH SKYLI PREP 15 NOUN2 74 CARRIED 15 AT 18 ZERO 77 NOTZERO 94 SET 77 MESSAGE 141 ANYKEY DESC SMASH SKYLI AT 18 NOTZERO 77 MESSAGE 138 DONE SMASH SKYLI AT 18 ZERO 77 MESSAGE 139 DONE JUMP D AT 18 NOTZERO 94 MESSAGE 144 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 DONE JUMP MAILS AT 18 NOTZERO 94 GOTO 19 MESSAGE 145 ANYKEY PLUS 30 3 DESC PICK LOCK AT 20 PREP 15 NOUN2 65 CARRIED 6 ZERO 80 SET 80 MESSAGE 148 DONE PICK LOCK AT 20 MESSAGE 139 DONE RIDE BIKE AT 23 ZERO 62 MESSAGE 149 DONE RIDE BIKE PRESENT 26 MESSAGE 158 ANYKEY GOTO 24 LET 95 1 DESC GIVE CASH AT 23 ZERO 62 CARRIED 21 DESTROY 21 SET 62 CREATE 26 MESSAGE 150 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC HIRE BIKE AT 23 ZERO 62 CARRIED 21 DESTROY 21 CREATE 26 MESSAGE 150 SET 62 ANYKEY PLUS 30 1 DESC HIDE BUSH AT 29 LT 99 5 CARRIED 24 MESSAGE 173 SET 99 ANYKEY PLUS 30 2 DESC TEAR LETTE CARRIED 25 MESSAGE 174 DONE BURN LETTE CARRIED 25 CARRIED 16 DESTROY 16 DESTROY 25 MESSAGE 175 SET 101 PLUS 30 2 DONE TURNS * TURNS SCORE DONE TIE BALL AT 28 CARRIED 8 ZERO 98 SET 98 MESSAGE 164 DESTROY 8 ZERO 106 SET 106 PLUS 30 2 DONE TIE BALL AT 28 CARRIED 8 DONE UNTIE BALL AT 28 NOTZERO 98 MESSAGE 166 CLEAR 98 PLACE 8 254 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 1 ----------- * * AT 0 MODE 4 1 LET 131 10 LET 132 0 PRINTAT 8 0 MESSAGE 88 PRINTAT 18 0 MESSAGE 89 ANYKEY PROCESS 16 GOTO 1 DESC * * AT 6 ZERO 60 SYSMESS 58 * * AT 6 NOTZERO 60 SYSMESS 59 * * AT 6 SYSMESS 60 * * AT 23 ZERO 62 SYSMESS 61 * * AT 23 SYSMESS 62 * * AT 26 ZERO 63 SYSMESS 63 * * AT 26 SYSMESS 64 * * ABILITY 6 255 * * ZERO 92 AT 13 SYSMESS 74 * * AT 14 NOTZERO 93 SYSMESS 75 * * AT 18 NOTZERO 77 SYSMESS 76 * * AT 28 NOTZERO 98 SYSMESS 77 * * AT 14 NOTZERO 115 SYSMESS 75 _ _ LISTOBJ _ _ SAVEAT PRINTAT 0 0 SYSMESS 55 BACKAT _ _ SYSMESS 57 PROTECT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 2 ----------- * * PROCESS 3 * * ZERO 91 NOTZERO 90 MINUS 90 1 EQ 90 1 MESSAGE 116 CREATE 17 ANYKEY DESC * * NOTWORN 18 CLEAR 91 * * AT 13 NOTZERO 92 LT 92 5 MINUS 92 1 ZERO 92 MESSAGE 124 ANYKEY CREATE 14 DESC * * ZERO 133 PROCESS 5 * * NOTZERO 95 PROCESS 8 * * NOTZERO 95 PLUS 95 1 * * NOTZERO 96 NOTEQ 96 255 PROCESS 14 * * AT 28 NOTZERO 98 EQ 95 14 MESSAGE 165 * * NOTZERO 98 EQ 96 4 AT 28 MESSAGE 167 CREATE 24 SET 96 LET 99 1 ANYKEY PLUS 30 4 DESC * * EQ 96 4 ZERO 98 CLEAR 96 LET 95 16 * * AT 28 EQ 99 2 MESSAGE 169 * * EQ 99 3 AT 28 MESSAGE 170 * * AT 28 EQ 99 4 ISAT 24 28 MESSAGE 171 DESTROY 24 LET 95 16 * * EQ 99 4 CARRIED 24 CARRIED 25 CLEAR 99 MESSAGE 172 DESTROY 24 DESTROY 25 LET 95 16 * * LT 38 15 EQ 131 12 ANYKEY PROCESS 15 * * GT 95 18 ANYKEY PROCESS 15 * * AT 15 ZERO 104 SET 104 PLUS 30 4 * * CARRIED 24 ZERO 107 SET 107 PLUS 30 2 * * AT 21 WORN 5 NEWLINE MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY GOTO 15 DESC * * LT 38 24 EQ 131 13 ANYKEY PROCESS 15 DONE * * NOTZERO 115 MINUS 115 1 * * AT 14 EQ 115 1 MESSAGE 203 CLEAR 115 DONE * * EQ 99 4 CARRIED 24 CLEAR 99 MESSAGE 204 DESTROY 24 LET 95 16 * * NOTZERO 99 NOTEQ 99 255 PLUS 99 1 GT 99 4 SET 99 * * AT 21 NOTWORN 23 NEWLINE MESSAGE 189 ANYKEY GOTO 15 DESC * * AT 21 ZERO 138 SET 138 MESSAGE 201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 3 ----------- * * SAVEAT INK 7 PAPER 2 PRINTAT 0 20 SYSMESS 0 EQ 133 1 PLUS 132 1 EQ 132 60 CLEAR 132 PLUS 131 1 * * EQ 131 24 CLEAR 131 * _ PRINTAT 0 27 LT 131 10 PRINT 130 PRINT 131 SYSMESS 56 * _ GT 131 9 PRINT 131 SYSMESS 56 * _ LT 132 10 PRINT 130 PRINT 132 * _ GT 132 9 PRINT 132 * _ PLUS 133 1 EQ 133 2 CLEAR 133 _ _ BACKAT INK 6 PAPER 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 4 ----------- * * CLS PRINTAT 10 0 SYSMESS 73 PRINTAT 16 0 TURNS SCORE NEWLINE END -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 5 ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 6 ----------- * * NOTWORN 3 NOTWORN 4 NOTWORN 5 NOTWORN 10 NOTWORN 18 NOTWORN 17 NOTWORN 19 MESSAGE 127 ANYKEY DESC * * WORN 3 WORN 4 WORN 5 WORN 10 NOTZERO 91 CARRIED 19 MESSAGE 130 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 131 ANYKEY GOTO 15 DESTROY 19 DESC * * WORN 3 WORN 4 WORN 5 WORN 10 NOTZERO 91 NOTCARR 19 MESSAGE 128 ANYKEY DESC * * MESSAGE 129 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 7 ----------- * * DOALL 254 * * WHATO NOTEQ 51 31 PUTO 15 * * NOTDONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 8 ----------- * * EQ 95 1 AT 24 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 5 AT 25 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 9 AT 27 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 11 AT 26 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 13 AT 28 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 17 AT 29 PROCESS 9 * * EQ 95 2 AT 24 PROCESS 10 * * EQ 95 6 AT 25 PROCESS 10 * * EQ 95 10 AT 27 PROCESS 10 * * EQ 95 14 AT 28 PROCESS 10 * * EQ 95 18 AT 29 PROCESS 10 * * EQ 95 3 AT 24 PROCESS 11 * * EQ 95 7 AT 25 PROCESS 11 * * EQ 95 11 AT 27 PROCESS 11 * * EQ 95 15 AT 28 PROCESS 11 * * EQ 95 4 AT 24 PROCESS 12 * * EQ 95 8 AT 25 PROCESS 12 * * EQ 95 12 AT 27 PROCESS 12 * * EQ 95 16 AT 28 PROCESS 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 9 ----------- * * MESSAGE 153 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 10 ----------- * * MESSAGE 154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 11 ----------- * * MESSAGE 155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 12 ----------- * * MESSAGE 156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 13 ----------- * * ZERO 63 SET 63 MESSAGE 159 EQ 95 12 CLEAR 95 LET 96 1 MESSAGE 160 * * ZERO 105 SET 105 PLUS 30 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 14 ----------- * * AT 26 EQ 96 1 MESSAGE 161 * * EQ 96 2 AT 27 MESSAGE 163 _ _ PLUS 96 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 15 ----------- * * CLS MESSAGE 179 ANYKEY PROCESS 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 16 ----------- * * CLS MESSAGE 181 ANYKEY MESSAGE 182 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 183 ANYKEY MESSAGE 184 ANYKEY CLS MESSAGE 185 ANYKEY DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 17 ----------- * * GT 132 59 MINUS 132 60 PLUS 131 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 18 ----------- * * LT 132 14 LET 132 13 DONE * * LT 132 29 LET 132 28 DONE * * LT 132 44 LET 132 43 DONE * * LT 132 59 LET 132 58 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 19 ----------- * * WORN 17 WORN 18 PLACE 17 254 PLACE 18 254 MESSAGE 197 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 20 ----------- * * DESTROY 30 DOALL 254 * * WHATO PUTO 30 * * PLACE 30 254 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 21 ----------- * * COPYFF 38 254 GOTO 30 DOALL 255 WHATO * * PUTO 254 * * COPYFF 254 38 DONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS 22 ----------- * * DESTROY 3 DESTROY 4 DESTROY 10 DESTROY 18 DESTROY 17 CLEAR 90 CLEAR 91 * * MESSAGE 206 DONE