************************** COMPETITION NO 1. WINNER ************************** The winner competition number 1 is Sue Ilsley. Here are the answers: 1) In what PD adventure will you find an Iron Maiden ? A) In Doomlords Part 2. 2) What is Simon Avery's Nickname ? A) The Squirrel. 3) What adventure do these locations come from: Oil Room, Acid Room, Volcano Cavern, Hall Of Winds, Dragon's Lair, Phoenix Hall, Hall Of Steam, Limestone Cavern, Black Magic, Bat Cavern and The Hall Of Stairs. A) Heroes Of Karn. Sue wins two discs with a choice of four selections valid up to a year. ************************** COMPETITION NO 2. WINNER ************************** Congratulations to D. Jones who wins a copy of Scapeghost, for entering the competition and solving Dick-Ed. The solution and map are now available from the solution/maps list. COMPETITION No. 3 Another competition for those who want to win the fantastic book called "Computer Adventures - The Secret Art", by Gil Williamson. All you have have to do is answer these very simple questions. 1) Who is the Witch Of Wessex ? 2) What PD has been responsible for getting more adventures on Public Domain ? 3) Who has donated the most adventures to Public Domain ? 4) What is your name ? The closing date for this one is the 29th August 1991. The winner will be the first name pulled out of the hat. COMPETITION No. 4 The Balrog has promised me a load of goodies to give away to the first person who solves THE SEARCH FOR LARGO GRANN. You will still be entitled to your full 15% discount (or 30% if a map is included as well).